SPOTTED: Frosted Chocolatey Churro Pop-Tarts

Frosted Chocolatey Churro Pop Tarts

Update: We tried it! Click here to read our review.

A Chocolatey Churro Pop-Tart sounds good, but I wish this was a Churro Pop-Tart instead. It sounds like I’m complaining, but I’m not. Okay, I am. Maybe I love cinnamon, sugar, and fried dough, and don’t want it to be tainted with chocolate. Maybe its “Chocolatey Churro” because Kellogg’s can’t make a regular Churro Pop-Tart. Am I calling out Kellogg’s? Yes, I am. And if there are regular Churro Pop-Tarts in the near future, you can thank me. (Spotted by @TheJoshCatlett at Walmart.)

3 thoughts to “SPOTTED: Frosted Chocolatey Churro Pop-Tarts”

  1. I definitely agree with you about preferring a regular churro variety! Wonder why they didn’t think of doing that first. I’m still excited to try these, though.

  2. Kellogg’s has already done a brown sugar & cinnamon Pop-Tart, and a cinnamon roll Pop-Tart too IIRC, so maybe a churro Pop-Tart would not be considered different enough to distinguish itself. Chocolate and cinnamon go together nicely, but it’s not a common flavor combination, so a “chocolatey” churro flavor seems more innovative.

  3. I’m not against “chocolatey churro”; it sounds good. But I’d prefer seeing what “plain churro” would translate like. But for reasons John W mentioned, it likely wouldn’t happen

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