The Impulsive Buy

WAYSNACK MACHINE: Cookies-n-Creme Twix

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Image from Jason at Collecting Candy

Waysnack Machine is a series that looks back at discontinued junk food.

If I was given the power to bring back one candy bar from the dead, I’d revive Cookies-n-Creme Twix.

It was released in 1990, along with another new Twix variety, Chocolate Fudge, a flavor I totally forgot about until I started doing research on Cookies-n-Creme Twix. I guess I love this Twix so much that it made me blind to other flavors. When it was around, I always chose it over regular Twix. For those of you who weren’t alive yet or too young to remember, it was a Twix that had a chocolate cookie and a cookies and creme filling instead of caramel.

Now I’m one of those weirdos who likes to, occasionally, bite off the caramel layer of a Twix, leaving the cookie without its candy companion. But it was so much more satisfying with Cookies-n-Creme Twix because those cookie bits in the creme had a wonderful crispiness to them.

Cookies-n-Creme Twix wasn’t on the market for very long. The internet tells me it was around for a year, but I feel as if it was around for much longer, maybe the mid-1990s. There’s a Facebook page and online petition dedicated to bringing it back, but there isn’t as large as a demand as there was with recently revived products like Surge, Crispy M&M’s, and French Toast Crunch. So I don’t have high hopes of ever biting off the cookie and creme layer of a Cookies-n-Creme Twix and enjoying the crispiness of those cookie bits ever again.

Do you miss Cookies-n-Creme Twix?

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