The Impulsive Buy

COMING SOON: Hazelnut Spread M&M’s

Mars MMS Hazelnut Spread

Last year, Mars announced Caramel M&M’s and how it developed a new production process to create them. When I read about it, my imagination ran wild with all the possible creamy ingredients the candy company could stuff into an M&M’s center.

I’ll admit my imagination went a bit too far when mayonnaise popped into my head. But before I got to that extreme, hazelnut spread came to mind.

Well, Nutella to be exact. But the popular hazelnut chocolate spread ending up in M&M’s is as unlikely to happen as Mayo M&M’s since it comes from a competing confectioner.

Hazelnut Spread M&M’s features a hazelnut spread center (duh!), covered with milk chocolate, all of which has a colorful candy coating. The new variety is making its debut in the U.S., but there was a Hazelnut M&M’s introduced in the U.K. last year with a nutty center.

Unfortunately, while Mars has announced the new flavor in September 2018, it won’t be available until April 2019. So I guess for now you’ll have to settle for dumping regular Milk Chocolate M&M’s into a jar of Nutella and digging the candy out of the hazelnut spread with a spoon, like it’s some over-the-top sugary breakfast cereal.

Mmm. I just thought of that while writing this post, and I can’t believe I haven’t tried it yet.

When it’s available, Hazelnut Spread M&M’s will come in a number of package sizes — Non-Share Singles (1.35 oz.), Share Size (2.53 oz.), and Sharing Size Stand Up Pouch (8.3 oz.).

(Image via Mars.)

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