The Impulsive Buy

REVIEW: Stuffed Puffs Chocolate-on Chocolate Marshmallows

Stuffed Puffs Chocolate on Chocolate Marshmallows

Stuffed Puffs are chocolate-filled marshmallows that theoretically allow one to make an instant s’more without separate chocolate. While I never tried the original variety, I was excited to gorge on the new Chocolate-on-Chocolate Stuffed Puffs.

They have a pleasant chocolatey hue and welcoming aroma. The marshmallow itself is full-on chocolate and the outside appears to be coated in sugary cocoa powder. They are fluffy and familiar, with a pleasant onset of sweet cocoa.

The chocolate inside is more substantial than the soft exterior. I was expecting either a dense hunk of chocolate or a whipped filling and it was neither. It was creamy, but denser than the surrounding marshmallow. Above all, it was incredibly delicious.

Being that it’s already pushing 100 degrees outside here, I shied away from making a fire to roast these. I delicately skewered one with a fork and placed it over a gas burner.

When it comes to roasting marshmallows, I’m highly neurotic. I take my time to get a perfectly golden exterior. I can’t stand one that has been scorched. I hovered the Stuffed Puff just out of reach of the dancing flames, expecting a wait. Within seconds, it caught fire. I quickly blew it out. Since it didn’t seem too badly burned, I gave it a shot.

The Stuffed Puff was even better like this, but the filling only melted toward the edges. It wasn’t in the heat long enough to cook thoroughly. The coating seemed to contribute to the marshmallow igniting. It would probably be easier using the residual heat from the coals of an actual fire. One thing completely surprised me: I didn’t lose any chocolate out of the marshmallow. I assumed that would be a big problem.

I also tried something I normally wouldn’t have: a microwaved s’more. I placed the the Stuffed Puff on a graham cracker and nuked it for about 15 seconds. It was gooey, decadent and cooked through, but missing the satisfying caramelization of an authentic s’more. After this, I noticed that one of the recommended preparation methods was a toaster oven. That would have been smart.

I stirred one into a cup of coffee and it was magnificent, so these should elevate hot cocoa nicely.

Despite my fumbling with cooking applications, these marshmallows are total winners. I have finished off the bag, popping them into my mouth as I write this. I fully intend to buy more.

DISCLOSURE: I received a free sample of the product. Doing so did not influence my review.

Purchased Price: FREE
Size: 8.6 oz. bag
Purchased at: Received from Stuffed Puffs
Rating: 9 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (2 pieces) 140 calories, 5 grams of fat, 3 grams of saturated fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 25 milligrams of sodium, 24 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of fiber, 17 grams of sugar, and 2 grams of protein.

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