The Impulsive Buy

Pick Your Poison!!! Beverage Product Election!!!

It’s been awhile since I had a product election here at The Impulsive Buy, which allows you, the readers, to decide what product The Impulsive Buy reviews next. The product election also allows me to clean up my apartment which currently has empty bottles of products strewn all over the place.

Fortunately, they are mostly empty bottles of soda and water. However, if they were all empty bottles of beer, I could sing the “99 Bottles of Beer On The Wall” song or Fox could shoot an episode of Cops in my apartment.

Anyway, over the past few months I’ve tried various beverages. A few of them are sweet, one is pure, one is healthy, and one gets me so wasted that it will make me think the TV show Joey is actually funny.

In this product election, you will be able to choose from six “poisons”:

1. Oxygen Water

2. Island Fruit 7Up Plus

3. Mountain Dew MDX

4. XS Clearly Fruit Punch Sports Drink

5. Odwalla Superfood

6. Grey Goose La Vanille Vodka

The candidate with the most votes will be declared the winner. The winner will be reviewed and the other candidates will either be recycled or turned into spittoons.

To vote, just leave a comment for this post with your choice. Only one choice and vote per person.

I’ll be accepting votes until Sunday, December 25th. Shortly after the 25th, I’ll post the review of the winning product.

Now go vote like it’s the Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards.

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