The Impulsive Buy

NEWS: Cinnabon Now Offering Separately The Best Or, Depending Who You Ask, Worst Part Of Their Cinnamon Rolls

The bite-sized Cinnabon Center of the Roll sounds like the cinnamon roll equivalent of donut holes. But its name sounds like it took 20 seconds to come up with because it’s so literal. Where’s the marketing pixie dust or marketing cream cheese frosting to give it a catchy name?

Well I’ve got some marketing pixie dust right here and in 30 seconds I’m going to come up with a better name for the Cinnabon Center of the Roll. Ready?

BOOM! I got it!


Did it in 25 seconds. Feel free to use it.

The Cinnabon Center of the Roll takes the sticky, gooey middle of their classic cinnamon roll, stick it in a cup and cover it with their signature and equally sticky, gooey cream cheese frosting. They’re currently available at participating locations until November 6th.

Image via flickr user ping ping / CC BY SA 2.0

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