The Impulsive Buy

REVIEW: Dunkin’ Brown Sugar Cream Cold Brew

Dunkin Brown Sugar Cream Cold Brew Cup

I recently drove past a billboard promoting Dunkin’s new Brown Sugar Cream Cold Brew, and I gotta say, it left me a little baffled.

Besides a nice doctored-up photo of the new brew, there were four words – “Iced Cold Liquid Hustle.”

I couldn’t help but wonder, “What the heck does ‘iced cold liquid hustle’ mean? Is that the new hip reboot of ‘America runs on Dunkin?’ Did I miss that memo? Why am I talking to myself?”

I drove a few miles down the highway, still thinking about those four words when I saw a Dunkin’. Well, let’s just say the ad worked because I hung a hard right into the lot, parked, and even decided to enter the building like some kind of hypnotized time traveler, unaware drive-thrus exist. I was about to find out what “iced cold liquid hustle” was all about.

So, was my Brown Sugar Cream Cold Brew iced? Yes. Yes, it was. Cold? Well, yeah, that’s implied. Liquid? Thankfully, it was liquid. But was it hustle? Um, ya know what? I hustled to get it, so yeah, I guess it was also “hustle.”

Dunkin’ left one word off, though – delicious.

Seriously, this is one of my favorite Dunkin’ additions in a long time – maybe a little too dessert-like to be an everyday coffee, but a satisfying treat.

My first sip transported me back to childhood because the flavor immediately reminded me of the original Coffee Coolatta. I honestly don’t even know if they’re still around because I haven’t had one in 20 years, but that sense memory immediately flashed back into my head.

It had an almost coffee ice cream flavor with slight notes of caramel and cinnamon. If there was a perfect center on a scale of black coffee to dulce de leche, this would be it.

I get the chain’s sweet cream from time to time, and this was the thickest and smoothest application to date. Usually, the foam melts into the watery cold brew within a few sips, but here it held a nice sturdy head until I finally shook it into the coffee. I think it might be Dunkin’s best tasting cream, which is saying a lot because I truly enjoyed the Pumpkin flavor from last fall.

I should note I use oat milk as my dairy, so that could have made this a bit thicker and creamier, but it paired so well. I won’t pretend the overall flavor is extremely different from adding a pump or two of caramel to your iced coffee, but it’s definitely an improvement on that. If this flavor remains permanent, it’ll probably become my one shot go-to.

I’d love it if Dunkin’ made a donut with this same flavor profile. A nice brown sugar, cinnamon, and caramel cake concoction would instantly vault to the top of my donut list.

I guess advertising works. I mean, I’m a caffiend™, so I was almost definitely trying this at some point, but Dunkin’ got me that day, and I’m glad.

Next time you’re in the mood for some iced cold liquid, hustle into Dunkin’ and give this one a try. It’ll be there all summer.

Purchased Price: $3.25 (G.O.A.T. Milk is 25 cents extra)
Size: Medium
Rating: 9 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: 180 calories, 3 grams of fat, 0 gram of trans fat, 2 grams of saturated fat, 10 milligrams of cholesterol, 50 milligrams of sodium, 36 grams of total carbohydrates, 35 grams of total sugars, 0 grams of fiber, and 1 gram of protein.

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