This mystery box is shaped differently than the others. That’s because it contains a ba…Oh, I almost gave it away. I can tell you what’s in this box is all swag from the same company. I think. I sealed it up already so I might’ve snuck something else in it to make room in another mystery box. I mean, you know how it goes when trying to stuff as much as you can in USPS Flat Rate Priority Boxes. It’s like trying to put clowns in a clown car or potato chip crumbs into your mouth.


To enter this prize drawing for this Mystery Box of accumulated swag, leave a comment with THIS post, and that comment MUST include the word “kumquat.”

Remember to fill out the email field because we’ll be emailing the randomly selected winner for their mailing addresses.

We will stop accepting entries on Friday, December 27, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time. Only one comment is allowed per person, and it’s only open to U.S. residents.


If you post a comment and it doesn’t show up, it ended up in our comment spam or trash folder for some strange reason. There’s no need to attempt to post another comment because I’ll be pulling those out of the comment spam vortex regularly.

Also, do not leave your comment using the blue REPLY button at the bottom of other comments. Scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page and leave your comment in the section above the blue POST COMMENT button. I know. Lots of scrolling. But it’ll totally be worth it if you win this.

Good luck!


The Impulsive Buy won’t use your email address to send you emails regarding lawn chairs or use your mailing address to send you lawn chairs. Bribes will not be accepted. The Impulsive Buy will not be responsible for lost mail, damaged mail, or putting too many clowns in a clown car.

256 thoughts to “TIB’S SEASON OF GIVING 2024: Day 2”

    1. I have no clue what a kumquat is and even though I’m using a Google phone to type this, I will never look it up

  1. I’ve seen a kumquat in the Asian markets, but never in my local grocery store. Never tried it, am I missing out? lol

  2. Did you ever see the best of the worst from RLM where they watch the “Octopuff in Kumquat”?

  3. Fun fact I just Googled: the word “kumquat” comes from the Cantonese phrase kam kwat, which means “golden orange”.

  4. Dear Santa:
    I was not a kumquat this year. I was not even a Durian. I promise I was good and all I want is a mystery box. -KH

  5. In third grade a kid ran for class president and had a kumquat as a mascot. He didn’t win.

  6. Fun Fact, The Kumquat is the only major Citrus fruit whose skin/rind you can actually eat, unlike Oranges/Lemons/Limes……unless you’re freaky like that…

  7. A coworker once told me that kumquats cure the common cold. I’m not sure where he’s getting his kumquats, though; I’ve never seen them in my local grocery store.

  8. I’ve tried thinking of the last time kumquat was used as the giveaway, but I can’t remember it. Though there are some very imaginative entries so far.

  9. Apparently a kumquat tastes like a combo of lemon and tangerine.

    I’m shocked we haven’t seen kumquat juice pop up all over the place. Sounds amazing.

  10. If you were described as sweet, tangy, and hard to figure out; you’re basically the human version of a kumquat.

  11. Honestly when I see that something tastes like a kumquat, i think of orange or something similiar.

  12. I told my kumquat joke at a party, but it didn’t get a-peel—I guess it wasn’t ripe for the occasion!

  13. Dade City cheers another year
    Of kumquat festivals they hold dear
    And Tampa puts it into beer
    Which gives a different taste than pear
    Crap that don’t rhyme

  14. Kumquats or cumquats in Australian English, are a group of small, angiosperm, fruit-bearing trees in the family Rutaceae. Their taxonomy is disputed.

  15. When I was about 7, I had already gained a reputation in the family as an adventurous eater. So when we were at the grocery store in the produce section, and Mom saw my fascination with the tiny kumquats, she let me put one in the cart. I wasn’t a huge fan of the mix of sour and sweet, plus I think it was a bit dried out. Still, it’s an enduring memory of my mom.

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