I’m not sure what’s in this mystery box full of swag. I mean, I know it’s swag, but I can’t remember any of the items I stuffed into this box while chanting, “This does not spark joy.” It’s a mystery to me. I hope I didn’t stuff anything into it that wasn’t supposed to go into the box. So, if you win this box and there’s a stray USB cable, BONUS!
To enter this prize drawing for this Mystery Box of accumulated swag, leave a comment with THIS post, and that comment MUST include the word “rutabaga.”
Remember to fill out the email field because we’ll be emailing the randomly selected winner for their mailing addresses.
We will stop accepting entries on Saturday, December 28, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time. Only one comment is allowed per person, and it’s only open to U.S. residents.
If you post a comment and it doesn’t show up, it ended up in our comment spam or trash folder for some strange reason. There’s no need to attempt to post another comment because I’ll be pulling those out of the comment spam vortex regularly.
Also, do not leave your comment using the blue REPLY button at the bottom of other comments. Scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page and leave your comment in the section above the blue POST COMMENT button. I know. Lots of scrolling. But it’ll totally be worth it if you win this.
Good luck!
The Impulsive Buy won’t use your email address to send you emails regarding dermatologists in your area or use your mailing address to let you know that T-Mobile Home Internet is now in your area. Bribes will not be accepted. The Impulsive Buy will not be responsible for lost mail, damaged mail, or T-Mobile Home Internet not being as fast as your current internet provider.
Rutabaga it is!
Never ate a rutabaga
Never had rutabaga
Rutabaga -ing that I win!
My comment DOES include the word “rutabaga.”
Bribes will not be accepted?!?! Sigh…rutabaga
Who decided to call this weird root vegetable rutabaga?
My comment says rutabaga, even though I don’t know what they are.
Rutabaga in that bubba-baga..loolah..
Merry Rutabaga and Happy Holidays To Everyone!
Vegging today pondering the difference between a rutabaga and a turnip
And wishing everyone a holiday (Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanzaa) that is beautifully lit up!
Shout out to those of Swedish ancestry who like rutabaga! And to the Brits who go all in on recognizing that by just calling it swede!
Rutabaga is a poor potato subsitute during keto
Rutabaga, rutabaga
Rutabaga, rutabaga
Rutabaga? I hardly know ya!
Why did the rutabaga start a fight at the farmer’s market?
Because it was tired of being called “turnip’s ugly cousin.”
My boyfriend brought home a rutabaga for Thanksgiving. I had no idea what to do with it. I never made one or ate one before this year. It ended up going bad before I could get to it. I ended up putting it outside for woodland creatures to chomp on. We have many around here.
I actually like the taste of rutabaga!
I thought kumquat was my favorite word until I met rutabaga
I’ve never (knowingly) eaten rutabaga. Not sure if I’d even recognize rutabaga.
Grandma always said, “don’t pee on the rutabaga.”
rutabaga ?
I got a rutabaga in my stocking.
Anyone here actually ever eat rutabaga.
God bless anyone who tries to peel a rutabaga!
rutabaga ?
My Mom used to make rutabaga! Merry Christmas!
I don’t think I’ve ever eaten a rutabaga.
Rutabaga Rabitowitz, my man!
Rutabagas for everyone
rutabaga is a root vegetable
I’ve never knowingly eaten a rutabaga.
I don’t know what to do with rutabagaa!
Never had a rutabaga
Good luck all!
Merry Christmas!
No rutabaga at our house this year.
I love me some rutabaga!
“rutabaga” does not lend itself to puns
As a typically underrated vegetable, rutabaga is one I’ve always enjoyed.
a joyous rutabaga
Finally a word I’ve eaten! Rutabagas are pretty alright 🙂
I don’t think I’ve eaten a rutabaga.
I’m enjoying anticipating the strange fruits and veggies you come up with. Lol. Rutabaga.
Not going to lie, had to google what a rutabaga was.
Rutabaga is one of those foods you read in like Peter Rabbit as a kid and then rarely hear about again.
Unless I’m in the minority here…
Rutabaga is yum y
rutabaga is a bottom tier vegetable and I won’t change my mind
I would love to try a rutabaga.
Don’t think I’ve ever had a rutabaga. Marvo, where are you getting all these random words?
rutabaga, fun to eat, difficult to spell.
What in the world is a rutabaga???,
Rutabaga thank ya
This year was my first assisting with Christmas dinner. I was in charge of bringing a side, so I decided to roast some potatoes with other vegetables. When I presented the dish to my family, proud of what I had done, my happiness turned to dread when my stepdad recoiled at the first bite! Come to find out… I didn’t roast potatoes. I roasted RUTABAGAS! Better luck next time! Merry Christmas!
My in law proudly roasted zucchini when she first arrived in the USA. Or so she thought. It was cucumber. Not good. Not good at all!
Fine, but you don’t have to be rutabaga.
Is Rusty still in the navy rutabaga?
Rutabagas are a pain in the butt to prepare and cook but very delicious!
Rutabaga? More like Bootabaga, amirite?
Eat them rutabaga
I have never had rutabaga!
Rutabaga Festivus
Rutabaga sounds like the name of a vegetable I never tried,hmmmmm.
Wish I had a big steaming bowl of rutabaga.
rutabaga is one of those words that looks like it is spelled wrong.
There was that Cheers episode when Cliff crossed a beet and a rutabaga and created the beetabaga…
Why did the rutabaga cross the road? It was rooted in tradition.
Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Rutabaga!
Never had a rutabaga
Rutabaga is a great alternative to turnips!!
I have not eaten a rutabaga in years.
rutabaga Of the year.
Fun fact – Rutabagas symbolize tradition, once used as original jack-o’-lanterns
I ate a rutabaga once, never again!
I’ve tried rutabaga multiple times… mistakes were made.
Is there a rut in that baga?
I’ve never had a rutabaga in my life.
In the garden’s fertile bed,
Rutabagas rest their heads,
With golden roots and leafy greens,
They’re the stars of veggie scenes.
Bulbous, round, and full of might,
They’re a farmer’s sweet delight.
Though often overlooked and small,
In soups and stews, they stand tall.
From autumn’s cool and crisp embrace,
They bring warmth to any place.
With a taste both sweet and mild,
Rutabagas are nature’s child.
Boiled, mashed, or roasted fine,
They transform meals, they truly shine.
So here’s to rutabagas grand,
Nature’s gift, so earthy and bland.
I’m not so much a couch potato, I’m a recliner rutabaga
rutabaga rutabaga rutabaga
Don’t know if I’ve ever had a rutabaga.
This one time, at rutabaga camp, you wouldn’t believe where one of the kids got a rutabega stuck!
I’m in my (ruta)bag(a)
Gotta love Christmas rutabaga!
A rutabaga is friend, not food.
I had to google “rutabaga”. Thank you, I learned something new! Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and here’s to your continuing success in the New Year!
This really peels my rutabaga.
I have never knowingly eaten a rutabaga.
Rutabaga is a funny word and strangely enough, even though it’s a veggie, it’s baked into pies and eaten as a dessert!
Rutabaga-s can’t be choosers.
I can’t wait to watch the epic Rutabaga concert tonight
How do you come up with these words for us to post? rutabaga?! Lol.
Here is the rutabaga.
I certainly hope this box has a rutabaga in it
Is a rutabaga like a rhubarb?
There’s no rutabaga in the box is there?
Nothing like a rutabaga for the holidays
On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
A rutabaga in a pear tree!
rutabaga swaga
I have never had rutabaga. Maybe there’s some in this box.
All I want for Christmas is to win this and some rutabaga.
rutabaga i think that’s a vegetable right?
Rutabaga is a potatah.
Rutabaga is also known as yellow turnip. If you’ve never had it and want to try it out, Bird’s Eye brand sells diced yellow turnips coated in brown sugar in the freezer section in a convenient microwavable package. I believe that I’ve tried it years ago, but I don’t recall if I liked it or not.
Never had a rutabaga, not sure how willing I am to try it though since it’s said to taste similar to a vegetable I don’t like.
Roast rutabega in butter with salt and pepper. Deeeelish!
They should make rutabaga veggie straws to review
rutabaga Pop tarts
Merry rutabaga!
On the third day of giving, TIB gave to me: A rutabaga in a pear tree.
Happy crimmus! Merry rutabaga!
Three four five.
Everybody in the car, so….
Oh, you said rutabaga? I thought you said Lou Bega.
Put that rutabaga right back where you found it!
Is rutabaga the same as a sweet potato?
Rutabaga. Rutabaga. Rutabaga.
Time for the annual mystery rutabaga
rutabaga for Christmas!?
Merry Rutabaga!
I rutabaga you to have a merry christmas :}
I once made a rutabaga cake and it was nasty!
Rutabaga, I barely know her!
Honestly not sure I know what a rutabaga tastes like.
I don’t think I’ve ever had a rutabaga either.
What is a rutabaga?
Mystery rutabaga
rutabaga is yucky
People say rutabaga is not good but I am willing to give it a shot.
Rutabaga is not spelled at all how I thought it was spelled
Always thought rutabaga was spelled the same as Billy the kids friend Arkansas Dave Rudabaugh. I just always thought he had a thing for root vegetables. Learn something new everyday.
I do not like rutabaga.
I’m not sure if I’ve ever had rutabaga
My husband only glances at my texts and never fully reads them. I texted him to stop at the store and bring me a bag of Cuties….and instead he brought home a rutabaga!
Even tho i liked them…I haven’t eaten a rutabaga in 40 years.
All I want for Christmas is a rutabaga!
Rutabaga fajita in a pita.- Cliff Clavin
After trying to impress my dinner guests with my culinary skills, I realized my rutabaga soufflé was more of a rutabaga mistake!
Can you smash a rutabaga and call it a side? Asking for a friend.
I have never eaten a rutabaga.
rutabaga time
The rutabaga is making me thirsty!
rutabaga root veg
Rutabaga is tasty
I once made rutabaga gnocchi!
Rutabaga makes the world go round!
rutabaga shmootabaga
I knew the first two, but rutabaga is a tough one for me!
Can you please do a review on the new Rutabega flavored Chic Fil A milkshake? I’m dying to hear your opinion. Mine was great.
Last night I had to use my safe word rutabaga.
Can’t say I’ve ever had rutabaga.
Rutabaga… can’t say I’ve tried it.
I like roast rutabaga!
I really want a mystery parcel, but it’d be rutabaga for one.
I LOVE Mambo #5 by Lou Rutabaga!
Rudolf got run over by a rutabaga
Riding in his old model T
If you say there’s no such thing as Santa
No rutabaga Ratatouille for you.
I was so disappointed that I didn’t get a rutabaga in my stocking….
Rutabaga, the fancy name for yellow turnip.
I clipped and pasted “rutabaga”
Because I play less Scrabble and more of Sega
I wonder if there’s rutabaga swag inside!
I like hagelslag on my ice cream
Rutabaga a go-go!
I hope Google knows what a rutabaga is.
Another weird word… rutabaga ?????
A veggie not used enough…rutabaga!!!
I may or may not have had a rutabaga for dinner tonight.
rutabaga foodabaga
I love rutabaga
I’m not sure if I’ve ever eaten rutabaga
I’m eating a rutabaga tomorrow
Would it be rutabega for a second chance?
I admit that I hope this box does not contain rutabaga; I assume it does not travel well by mail.
Thank you!
Rutabaga or swede is a root vegetable, a form of Brassica napus (which also includes rapeseed). Other names include Swedish turnip, neep (Scots), and turnip …
What is a rutabaga? ?????
Is rutabaga related to Ruta Lee?
Not so much a fan of rutabaga!
rutabaga is a root veggie
Rutabaga is on my list of foods I need to cook with sometime…in the future.
Rutabaga feels like one of those foods that people used to eat, but for some reason not anymore, likely because it is not commercially viable and most people no longer have backyard gardens. Is it a vegetable that grows underground like a turnip? That’s my impression, but maybe just because the first syllable is pronounced “root.” Maybe I will Google it. Maybe not.
Something seems rude about the word rutabaga
I’ve never had a rutabaga, probably couldn’t even spot one if I saw one.
Rutabaga? Is it like rhubarb?
Rutabaga – More like… never mind.
I admit, I have never had a rutabaga.
I just heard about rutabaga in the great state of Georgia.
Fingers crossed! Rutabaga.
rutabaga :3
I would love a rutabaga.
Rutabaga, rutabaga, rutabaga!
stocked many rutabaga in produce over the years
Rutabaga Rabitowitz is voiced by Ben Schwartz.
So much rutabaga
rutabaga swag
For some reason, my boyfriend and I have started to use the word rutabaga instead of rain. “Oh, dear! Looks like rutabaga today!”
Rutabaga, Rutabaga, Rutabaga
I like when the mask in Crash Bandicoot would say rutabaga
In Maine we pronounce it “rutabaga”
I don’t really have any fun quips about rutabagas, sorry. Even though I had a friend in middle school whose name was very close to rutabaga, we never called her that.
Rutabaga? But I don’t know her!
ok rutabaga
I love me a rutabaga 🙂
Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeee, Rutabaga!
I hope I win! rutabaga!
Never had a rutabaga.
rutabaga and carrots are a favorite side dish