It’s the last day of this year’s Season of Giving!
As you can see, with this prize drawing there’s no mystery box. It’s a briefcase, and I would’ve put into a box, if I had a box to put it in, which I have to find in order to ship it. But there’s something in the briefcase, which, I guess, makes it a mystery briefcase. So we’re giving away a briefcase and whatever is in it for the last day of TIB’s Season of Giving.
To enter this prize drawing for this Mystery Briefcase of accumulated swag, leave a comment with THIS post, and that comment MUST include the word “lutefisk.”
Remember to fill out the email field because we’ll be emailing the randomly selected winner for their mailing addresses.
We will stop accepting entries on Monday, December 30, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time. Only one comment is allowed per person, and it’s only open to U.S. residents.
If you post a comment and it doesn’t show up, it ended up in our comment spam or trash folder for some strange reason. There’s no need to attempt to post another comment because I’ll be pulling those out of the comment spam vortex regularly.
Also, do not leave your comment using the blue REPLY button at the bottom of other comments. Scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page and leave your comment in the section above the blue POST COMMENT button. I know. Lots of scrolling. But it’ll totally be worth it if you win this.
Good luck!
The Impulsive Buy won’t use your email address to send you emails about air fryer tips or use your mailing address to send you a McDonald’s French fry. Bribes will not be accepted. The Impulsive Buy will not be responsible for lost mail, damaged mail, or me not finding a box for the mystery briefcase.
Lutefisk sounds a little too close to flute and now I imagine someone playing one like an instrument.
lutefisk Woohoo!
Also feel like this could be the pulp fiction briefcase
lutefisk risks Ludacris
I can’t play a mandolin, but I can play a mean lutefisk
Coddle a cod with braising, frying, baking, marinating or gefilte-ing or covering in cream
But if you craft it into a Lutefisk you know you are really living the dream
I’ve never had lutefisk, but I would try it.
lutefisk A Scandinavian dish of dried whitefish that’s been cured in lye and rehydrated until it has a gelatinous texture…yum!
lutefisk lutefisk lutefisk
Yuck, I would never eat lutefisk.
Oh would you look at that lutefisk
One of my favorite King of the Hill episodes involves lutefisk!
Though I’m unaware of what lutefisk is/means, I’ll mention here anyway!
lutefisk seems like something I wouldn’t wanna try lol
As a resident of Minnesota, I’m aware what lutefisk is and I’m not a fan.
I love lutefisk.
Need some lefse to go with my lutefisk!
Call me Mr. lutefisk
I am Lutefisk!
I saw lutefisk on a documentary before.
Lutefisk who you ask?
I can confidently say we did not have lutefisk for dinner last night.
Thank you for all of the mystery box chances and all of the cool words such as lutefisk! Happy New Year!
I’d have to receive retirement money to even consider eating lutefisk.
Happy New Year!
I know what lutefisk means but I don’t think I’d like it! 😀
I live in Minnesota and have not met one person whose ever eaten lutefisk.
I saw the word lutefisk, and thought of the King of the Hill episode. That was a good episode.
I had lutefisk once, and it wasn’t an experience I’d like to repeat.
What the lutefisk is in that briefcase?
I am not a big fan of lutefisk. I do like cold smoked salmon and whitefish salad, however. I guess it’s all what you grew up eating 🙂
lutefisk rules
I love my pet lutefisk
Lutefisk and Gefilte fish, these are two dishes on my bucket list to try at least once.
Not a huge fan of lutefisk!
lutefisk. YUM!
Never had lutefisk, never really want to have lutefisk.
Is there lutefisk in the case????
Gross. I will never try lutefisk.
If it’s full of lutefisk it’d be funny but also terrifying in power.
I’ve never tried lutefisk.
lutefisk luck ?
On the fifth day of giving, TIB gave to me: A lutefisk in a pear tree.
I just learned what lutefisk means today
an anagram of “lutefisk” is “ski flute”. The More You Know…
Have had I ate lutefisk
lutefisk-again google was my friend-never heard of it.
Smelling lutefisk was enough for me. No thank you on ever trying that I would, however like to try whatever is in the briefcase.
You couldn’t pay me enough to try lutefisk !
my granddad once told me: ‘don’t fool with lutefisk.’
senility at it’s finest.
lutefisk briefcase
Is your soul in there, Marvo? Or is it full of lutefisk?
What in the lutefisk is in that briefcase? I hope I win so I can find out!
Lutefisk, Lutefisk, Lutefisk!!
Wilson lutefisk
I wonder if I have ever had lutefisk…
Love me some lutefisk 😀
I love fish but I draw the line at lutefisk!
Ok I’m
Officially having to look up words. After rutebaga, I’ve been a goner. Lutefisk….not even sure what to do with that! Google help me.
One fish, two fish, red fish, lutefisk
Lutefisk is something I’ve always wanted to try! Alas even in the twin cities it’s not that easy to find.
I much prefer stunfisk to lutefisk but this mystery suitcase trumps them both.
I actually really like lutefisk. It’s totally underrated.
Bobby Hill ate all the lutefisk.
Remember in Sleeping Beauty when the musician filled his lutefisk with wine from the kings?
I’ve never eaten lutefisk but would if someone offered it to me.
Lutefisk: now with twice as much ammonia smell!
I am not terribly interested in trying lutefisk.
Ope! The lutefisk are really biting today!
There’s lutefisk in the briefcase.
Lutefisk ain’t good eatin’.
We wish you a Merry Lutefisk
We wish you a Merry Lutefisk
We wish you a Merry Lutefisk
And a fishy New Year
Bobby Hill likes Lutefisk
Lutefisk….the piece of cod that passes all understanding!
Ah lutefisk, the food Scandinavians pretend isn’t terrible.
I’m feeling lutefisk!
Find the man with the terrible smell! lutefisk
If you eat an entire pan of lutefisk, like Bobby Hill, don’t try lighting a match like he did to mask the smell of the lutefisk paying you a second visit.
Grew up in a Scandinavian neighborhood. Lutefisk was very common.
Lutefisk…. Who decided on that?
I have friends who actively seek out and consume lutefisk. I can’t imagine eating it unless it was the only thing between me and starvation.
I don’t think i’d like this…
Is it frowned upon to put lutefisk in a briefcase?
I had to look up what lutefisk is. Too wary to try it.
Lutefisk is not a common item found in stores and after reading the description I would say that is a good thing .
Lutefisk is my favorite Tool album. Wait, maybe it’s Lateralus. Here are three words that rhyme with lutefisk:
Well crap, that didn’t work.
Maybe a limerick? There once was a man who ate lutefisk, but…… No. I’ve got nothing.
Lutefisk huh?
Lutefisk is cured in lye. Ick
What in the lutefisk?
I was in a spelling bee and the word I got was lutefisk. I asked for it to be used in a sentence. They said, “Lutefisk is disgusting”
In the heart of Nordic land,
Where the winter seas command,
Lies a dish both loved and famed,
Lutefisk, its name proclaimed.
From the waters cold and deep,
Fish is caught, then placed to steep,
In a bath of lye and care,
Transforming in the salty air.
Translucent, tender, gleaming white,
A holiday feast, a festive sight.
With butter, potatoes, and spirits warm,
Lutefisk graces every form.
Though its aroma might cause pause,
It’s a dish that earns applause.
For in its taste, tradition’s bound,
A heritage of flavors profound.
Oh lutefisk, with history grand,
You connect us to this frozen land.
A culinary tale, both bold and brisk,
In every bite, we savor lutefisk.
Lutefisk tacos!!
What a wondrous lutefisk.
I don’t like lutefisk
lutefisk Schmootfisk — let’s call the whole thing off!
lucky little lutefisk
My husband’s dad tried so hard to get me to try lutefisk. He said it was good, but I never took him up on that offer.
it’s only a matter of time before Vital Choice starts shipping out lutefisk, I’m calling it.
Always wanted to try lutefisk.
lutefisk! Whatever that is. I’m still groggy from surgery or I’d look it up.
My name is Jennifer Elder not Jeffery. I told you I’m groggy lol
I applaud the creativity in coming up with the words of the day. lutefisk!
Lutefisk sounds gross, but I’d try almost anything once.
Using the word lutefisk in the comments and hope to win.
Can anyone get the mod off of this lutefisk…?!
How do you spell lutefisk
lutefisk I love the site
I don’t like lutefisk but I love snacks.
What the heck is a lutefisk!?!?
anyone fancy lutefisk?
Lutefisk sounds very interesting to be honest.
Bobby Hill ate all the lutefisk at the church function!!!
I ate the lutefisk, I got sick in the bathroom, I lit the matches, I BURNED DOWN THE CHURCH! I let everyone blame Grandpa…!
What is lutefisk?
I don’t think doing a google search for lutefisk caused my laptop to get a virus, however I am pretty sure if I actually ate a lutefisk I would get a virus.
A lutefisk once bit my sister…no, realli!
I hope the briefcase isn’t full of lutefisk
mysterious lutefisk
lutefisk – sounds like a comic book villain
I have never tried lutefisk.
Lutefisk is dried whitefish
I am good never trying lutefisk
What does lutefisk even mean??!!
I was kicking butt, then I pulled a lutefisk and it was all over.
Lutefisk, yay!
One fish
Two fish
Red fish
Hey remember that King of the Hill episode where Bobby ate lutefisk then DESTROYED the church bathroom so bad he had to burn the evidence?
Ah, lutefisk, Johnny dangerouslys mom had lutefisk at the movies.
Thanks so much for having this site. Merry lutefisk to all and all a good night.
I’ve never tried “lutefisk but Bobby Hill certainly loved it
As a good Minnesotan I definitely know about lutefisk.
Lute? Lovely instrument.
Fisk? Great show.
Lutefisk? Oh HELL no.
I learned what lutefisk was when i saw Drop Dead Gorgeous for the first time. it sounds pretty gross lol
What is lutefisk? I thought it was lutefish at first, which I also have no idea what that is.
lutefisk, I barely know her!
lutefisk no thank you but please
I am…aware…of lutefisk.
This is a new one for me…lutefisk? Where does one even get it?
How may people does it take to lutefisk?
My lutefisk is very friendly.
Lutefisk, that’s fun to say!
What the heck is lutefisk
Extra lutefisk please
I don’t like fish, and I don’t think lutefisk will be any exception.
It had better not be lutefisk in that briefcase!!
In the morning, laughing happy lutefisk,
In the evening, floating in the soup!
Lutefisk lutefisk roly poly lutefisk
Lutefisk lutefisk eat it up YUM!
lutefisk – more gross than it sounds.
I was today years old when I first heard of the word lutefisk
Mmmm lutefisk!
Had to look up lutefisk
I have never heard of lutefisk.
Yay, lutefisk!
A mystery briefcase is very exciting. Lutefisk.
I love lutefisk!
I’ve heard of lutefisk.
Lutefisk me!
Yup. It just gets weirder. lutefisk
I went fishing for some lutefisk at my local fishing hole. I came up empty, probably because my local fishing hole is frozen over. Since I came up empty, I am going fishing for a briefcase with any luck I won’t come up empty.
Buttered boiled potatoes and lutefisk actually makes a very nice Midwestern meal.
The lutefisk had been thrown out on accident by bad luck
Lefse… yes Lutefisk…NO. Would I lye to you?
All my bags are packed, I’m ready to go. I’m standing here outside your door. I hate to wake you up to say goodbye.. But the dawn is breaking, it’s early morn. The taxi’s waiting, he’s blowing his horn…but I’m not so excited I could cry.
I’m leavin, off to Norway! Really doubt I’ll be back again. With a suitcase this cool, I’ll meet a Norwegian wife… she’ll kiss me and smile for me while we live that lutefisk life!
I play a mean lutefisk with a disk
I just realized I’ve been putting in my email wrong for all of my responses to this giveaway except this one. 🙁
I don’t think I’d ever try lutefisk.
lutefisk is not common in my neck of the woods
Lutefisk or a fisk of lutes?
I hope lutefisk is not part of the swag.
Hopefully the giveaway is lutefisk free
Goodbye 2024 and thanks for all the lutefisk
I hear there’s Lutefisk in lake wobegone
Well I hope it isn’t lutefisk in there that’s for sure.
I’ve never had lutefisk and I’m pretty certain I don’t want to…
Lutefisk, I don’t even know her
I hope you’re having a happy lutefisk holiday season!
Lutefisk is my new favorite word. BTW, this is the best blog ever!
Lutefisk is a delicacy…for some people
lutefisk is tasty…
Isn’t lutefisk the Danish name for faux leather. I hope this is made from that.
I could go the rest of my life without trying lutefisk, thanks.
Lutefisk sounds like it’s a new instrument that will take the world by storm.
Lutefisk? At least it is not Surströmming.
Love a mystery lutefisk
Long as the prize briefcase isn’t filled with lutefisk, I’m in.
Oh dear, I hope there’s not lutefisk in the briefcase. You’d never be able to get that smell out.
lutefisk!! please!
I’ve never tried lutefisk.
lutefisk toothpaste sounds good
risk it for the lutefisket. LUTEFISK
Lutefisk is disgusting!
Happy lutefisk season!
lutefisk?! lutefisk. lutefisk!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t know what a lutefisk is either…
Good rule of thumb: don’t bring lutefisk on a plane.
I love lutefisk.
My fish plays the lute, we call him lutefisk
I actually live in northern Minnesota, with many other Scandinavians, and yet I’ve never actually eaten lutefisk.
lutefisk Cmon win I never win anything.
Btw I use your website to hunt down snacks and food that just came out I hunt it down and send pics to my sister to make her jealous. I’m definitely winning at the moment.