(Spotted by Kelly at Walmart.)

(Spotted by Robbie at Walmart.)
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People are still wearing face masks!
Is there something wrong with that? A lot of people are immunocompromised, or may just not want to get sick during flu season. People in Asia have been wearing masks for decades before COVID appeared.
I believe these are facial masks for skincare. If you zoom in there is a picture of a woman with her hair in a towel doing a face mask treatment
Yeah, what you said. Plus, it says, “Hershey’s Face Mask” on the pink box it’s sitting in. 😉
After coming to this site daily for years I stopped coming for a while due to nasty comments that were just uncalled for. This was literally my first trip back in a long time and it’s disheartening to see these comments are still here. Not only was this a simple moisturizing face mask but there’s nothing wrong with wearing masks, I would hate to think that people are judging my uncle who is going through chemo for his stage three cancer because he is wearing a mask in a store.
Hope the treatment helps your uncle, sending good thoughts his way.
How are these Valentine cards NOT scratch & sniff?