SPOTTED: Chips Ahoy Blondie Baked Bites

Chips Ahoy Blondie Baked Bites.

Regular Chips Ahoy Cookies are also baked bites according to my big mouth. (Spotted by Sarah R at Safeway.)

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One thought to “SPOTTED: Chips Ahoy Blondie Baked Bites”

  1. I have mixed feelings about the Baked Bites. On one hand, the chocolate chips somehow taste better than the ones in regular Chips Ahoy. But on the negative side: The cookie part by itself is a bit bland. It’s somehow lacks enough sweetness, saltiness or buttery flavor. There’s a vanillin and graham cracker after taste, like low price convenience store cookies. I’d probably buy a pack from a vending machine in a pinch, but it’s not something I’d intentionally purchase at a store again.

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