SPOTTED: Cape Cod Tuscan Herb Infused Potato Chips

Cape Cod Tuscan Herb Infused Potato Chips.

It’s rare nowadays to see a new Cape Cod chip flavor. (Spotted by Robbie at Costco.)

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7 thoughts to “SPOTTED: Cape Cod Tuscan Herb Infused Potato Chips”

  1. We just tried these and no one in our household liked them, and we aren’t picky eaters. They were too salty and had kind of a musty smell and aftertaste. Bummer because we got a giant bag at Costco!

    1. I hate it when you get stuck with those big bags

      If you like blue cheese, I tried the Trader Joes “Cashel Blue Cheese Irish Potato Chips” tonight. They’re really good, not super blue cheesy, but very addictive for some reason. they are like a ripple, but a little thicker and very crunchy. They come in a 5.5oz bag

        1. I know what you mean, I passed them by a couple times, but kept reading how good they were, now I wish I’d of bought a couple bags.
          They’re fried in sunflower oil, which might be why I found them so addictive.

  2. I love these chips. They aren’t for everyone. I do agree that they have an aftertaste- looking at the ingredients list, it is probably the bergamot, fennel, tarragon, and rosemary. Bergamot isn’t for everyone.

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