SPOTTED ON SHELVES: Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups International Delight Creamer

Reese s Peanut Butter Cups International Delight Coffee Creamer

Update: We reviewed it! Click here to read our review.

Delight in the season, indeed! (Spotted by Sallie at Walmart.)

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14 thoughts to “SPOTTED ON SHELVES: Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups International Delight Creamer”

  1. Is there a peanut butter season I am unaware of? I mean, we have this and the Krispy Kreme donuts now.

  2. Why is everything always peanut butter and chocolate. I would kill for more fruit flavored stuff. Between this and Dairy Queen, I never get anything.

    1. I’m with you!!! What ever happened to the blueberry that was seasonal for 1 season? It was delicious!!

      1. Please bring this creamer back! Its the only creamer my husband and I like.? the single cups just not the same.

  3. Found a single bottle of it at Walmart this morning and picked it up for the wife. Her thoughts so far:
    “The peanut flavor mixed with the coffee makes it kinda tastes like burnt peanuts.”
    “Needs more chocolate.”
    “I love coffee and I love Reeses. I do not love them together.”
    “You got coffee in my peanut butter, you got peanut butter in my coffee, together they taste like crap.”
    “Overall Rating: 5/10 – Not terrible, but I won’t buy it again.”

  4. This was amazing. I gotten this at 7-11 twice now and I love it. Can’t wait until it is in every store.

  5. Its def no where near a reeses. For those that say it is check your taste buds. They def were not on the mark with this one. Found @ Giant Eagle.

    1. I live in Michigan it’s not at our Wal-Mart store here yet I have been checking everyday

  6. Finally got my hands on this after months of searching. It was at my Walmart last night. I have to say that I am not impressed. Definitely too much Reese’s flavor…so much so that it was off-putting. I ended up mixing in some sweet cream creamer to balance out the taste a bit. Won’t be buying this again.

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