The Impulsive Buy

QUICK REVIEW: Nestle Toll House Seasonal Batch Maple Walnut Cookie Dough

Nestle Toll House Seasonal Batch Maple Walnut Cookie Dough

What is it?

A seasonal offering that isn’t pumpkin!

Nestle offers up their break-n-bake cookie dough in a Maple Walnut flavor for all those looking for something else fall-related after they tire of pumpkin-flavored donuts, coffees, snack bars, cereals, muffins, and, of course, after they’ve already indulged in the Nestle Toll House’s Pumpkin Spice Cookie Dough. This seasonal batch of cookie dough is chock-full of walnuts and what Nestle is calling maple flakes.

How is it?

I much prefer maple-flavored things over pumpkin, so I was very excited to try these, and in a nutshell (sorry!!) they didn’t disappoint. As mentioned above there are a good amount of walnuts present here, and the maple flavor is intense. It smacked me in the face when I opened up the package but in no way am I complaining about that.

After baking, the nuts still offer a nice earthy kick even if they’re rendered a little rubbery instead of crisp and crunchy. I didn’t see any so-called flakes, but the maple flavor is present regardless. It’s almost as if maple syrup was just poured into the batter. They are definitely a tad sweet with the maple intensifying the sugar notes.

Is there anything else I need to know?

The singular squares of these usually come out a little a crispy for me so if you like your cookies a bit softer and chewier make sure to keep some clusters of squares together when baking.


As always these cookies are a cinch to prepare and, while very sweet, they do have a strong maple flavor that’s a nice indulgence for a chilly fall night and to offer respite from that pumpkin spice hangover.

Purchased Price: $3.19
Size: 16 oz.
Purchased at: Giant
Rating: 7 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (1 Cookie) 80 calories, 4 grams of fat, 1.5 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 5 milligrams of cholesterol, 75 milligrams of sodium, 11 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of dietary fiber, 6 grams of sugar, and less than 1 gram of protein.

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