Here are some new Trader Joe’s products found on store shelves by your fellow readers. If you’ve tried any of them, share your thoughts about them in the comments.

(Spotted by Rachel C at Trader Joe’s.)
Here are some new Trader Joe’s products found on store shelves by your fellow readers. If you’ve tried any of them, share your thoughts about them in the comments.
(Spotted by Rachel C at Trader Joe’s.)
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Those Dark Chocolate Watermelon Sticks literally made me “ooohhh” aloud. I must say: They sound very innovative/unique (and, as someone experienced in marketing innovation, I’m not easily impressed), and very tasty. I love most things watermelon-related.
The reviews on these watermelon sticks have been promising so far. I will have to pick some up when I go for that dill pickle mustard. Not to worry though, I won’t eat them together.
I literally just LOL’d at your very last statement…and consequently choked on the “cotton candy” grape that I was eating, in the process. 😉
That dill-pickle mustard also caught my eye!
Do report back if/when you try either. I’m definitely curious to hear people’s thoughts on both items.
I really want to try the dill-pickle mustard! On a related note, I heard that there is such a thing as “pickle salsa!” There is a brand out there that calls theirs “Pickle de Gallo.” really want to get my hands on that!
Oh, that sounds good! I’d definitely be interested in trying that, as I pretty much enjoy anything pickle-related. (Not to mention, my cat is named Pickles. hehe)
The salsa is so good! I can eat it right out of the container.
If anyone has tried the turtles lmk what you think!
The pickle mustard is great, as long as you like pickles. Tastes like pickle and not just dill.