The Impulsive Buy

REVIEW: Post Waffle Crisp Cereal (2022)

Post Waffle Crisp Cereal Box

I didn’t ask for the return of Post Waffle Crisp Cereal because I didn’t know it was gone.

Honestly, it’s been over a decade since I’ve had a bowl of it. When I discovered it was discontinued, I wondered why because, from what I remember, it’s a great tasting cereal. Well, I guess since I didn’t buy it, I’m part of the reason why it got axed. I took it for granted and didn’t give it the love it deserved. Although, now that I think about it, I rarely saw it on shelves. So maybe it’s not that I didn’t give it love. Instead, Waffle Crisp avoided me, so I couldn’t give it the love it deserved. Yeah, that’s it.

But now it’s back, and I got a free sample, so I can reconnect. And after enjoying it again, I wonder why I’ve been so cold to Waffle Crisp. Maybe it’s me and always being interested in the hot newness instead of the classics. Although now that I think about it, perhaps it’s Post’s fault because it seems so focused on pushing new Fruity and Cocoa Pebbles products into other grocery store aisles that it distracts me from other Post cereals. Yeah, that’s it.

But I’ll forgive Post because the box has filled my office with an enticing artificial maple aroma. Its flavor fills me with regret because I have denied my taste buds this delicious cereal for so long. With one sniff and taste, there’s no denying this is a waffles and syrup-flavored cereal, although there were moments when I could’ve sworn I tasted Cap’n Crunch, which is what I said about another waffles-flavored cereal. After finishing a bowl, I wanted to eat more. So I did the adult thing. I ate another bowl. Because that’s what adults can do.

But it’s not just the flavor that gets me; it’s how the cereal is like waffles in another way. Those holes in every piece are good at capturing and holding milk, much like the pockets on a waffle contain syrup. But even though they’re milk sponges, they maintain some crunchiness thanks to their denseness. As for the after milk, because a noticeable amount of syrup flavor ends up in it, it’s a wonderful way to end a bowl of cereal.

While I haven’t experienced Waffle Crisp as much as I should have since its debut in 1996, I’m glad it’s been given another chance, and I’ve been given another opportunity to provide it with the love it deserves.

DISCLOSURE: I received a free product sample. Doing so did not influence my review.

Purchased Price: FREE
Size: 11.5 oz box
Purchased at: Received from Post
Rating: 10 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (1 1/4 cup) 160 calories, 2 grams of fat, 0 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 220 milligrams of sodium, 34 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of fiber, 15 grams of sugar (15 grams of added sugar), and 2 grams of protein.

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