REVIEW: Hershey’s Harry Potter Butterbeer Kisses

While generations of children were distraught that they never received an invitation to Hogwarts, my rejection from wizarding school was for the best. I would not have been able to concentrate on classes—or fighting villains—when the wizarding world had so many magical snacks to offer. While Harry Potter endured a high-stakes hero’s journey of good versus evil, you’d find me at Hogsmeade for the duration of all seven books, collecting Chocolate Frog trading cards and popping risky flavors of Bernie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans like shots at a frat party.

Luckily, Hershey’s newest limited-edition product offers a taste of the wizarding world without the threat of expulsion or bankruptcy. Inspired by the famed Hogsmeade beverage, Hershey’s Harry Potter Butterbeer Kisses are gold-colored crème Kisses filled with Butterbeer-flavored crème.

The Harry Potter books describe Butterbeer as a beverage that can be served hot or cold and tastes “a little bit like less-sickly butterscotch.” As someone who loves butterscotch enough to drink it, I would have devoted my time in Potions class trying to crack the code for the perfect Butterbeer, but I think these Hershey’s Kisses come pretty close.

The gold crème shell is sweet and smooth, with a white chocolate-like flavor similar to what you’d find at the base of a Cookies ‘n’ Crème bar. The shell does not seem as sweet as some cremes and carries a light buttery flavor. The creamy, fluffy filling is pure butterscotch: a perfect, very sweet combination of butter and brown sugar flavors. The frosting-like texture of the filling (versus a sticky caramel or similar) recalls the foamy topping of the Butterbeer in Harry Potter lore.

These Kisses are sweet, but not overly sweet. It’s not hard to keep eating them. They smell and taste like a butterscotch sundae, and I think the creaminess of the shell and center offset the sugariness. Fans of the Snickers Butterscotch Scoop bar will also enjoy these Kisses.

While Hershey’s has released milk chocolate Kisses in Harry Potter-themed packaging, Butterbeer Kisses is the first Hershey’s product to incorporate flavors from the franchise. It is worth noting that the Butterbeer variety also utilizes cute packaging, featuring foil wrappers printed with details from the Harry Potter series and a paper plume that reads CHEERS.

In the spirit of things, I lift my proverbial pint glass to Hershey’s Harry Potter Butterbeer Kisses for a flawless execution of the theme. I will never know the thrill of boarding the Hogwarts Express, but grabbing another bag of these Hershey Kisses while they are still available is good enough for me.

Purchased Price: $6.29
Size: 9 oz (255 g) bag
Purchased at: CVS
Rating: 10 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (per 7 pieces)170 calories, 10 grams of fat, 6 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 45 milligrams of sodium, 20 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of fiber, 19 grams of sugar, and 2 grams of protein.

7 thoughts to “REVIEW: Hershey’s Harry Potter Butterbeer Kisses”

  1. I have checked all my local CVS locations and cannot find them. My wife and daughter are huge Harry Potter fans so I would love to but this for them. However, I refuse to spend almost $20 for a bag on Ebay so hopefully I’ll spot them soon!

        1. Hi, hopefully this helps – that Hershey’s link showed that both Albertsons and Vons (Albertsons affiliate in CA) had them near me. The Albertsons website said “out of stock”, but the Vons website said “not available for pickup/delivery” which I’ve never seen before.

          Lo and behold, I checked Vons and found them! I had to look around the store, but on top of the freezers they had all sorts of Easter candy, and there were two large boxes of them up there. They weren’t on any displays or in the normal candy section, and the seasonal section was all Valentine’s stuff. So maybe check your local Albertsons affiliate if that’s an option for you. Best of luck!

  2. Yay! You’ve got us even more excited now with your awesome review! Tasting like a sundae WITHOUT the oversweetification? That’s basically the butterscotch dream come true. Why oh why does our CVS not have these Kisses yet??

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