It’s another holiday themed Spotted on Shelves this week. Here are some festive (new and old) products found on store shelves. We may or may not review them, but we’d like to let you know what items are popping up. All of these photos come courtesy of TIB reader Kenneth. Thank you, Kenneth!


When the Halloween season is near, always expect General Mills monster cereals to appear. See Franken Berry, Boo Berry, and Count Chocula with their marshmallow pieces. But don’t buy them before Halloween, wait until after when their prices dramatically decreases.


Betty Crocker offers Boo Berry and Franken Berry Fruit Roll-Ups treats, but that Count Chocula cereal bar is something I’d rather eat.


Eggo Seasons Pumpkin Spice Waffles are back! We gave them a positive review last year. To be honest, I was hoping Kellogg’s would come out with a new Limited Edition Eggo variety for the holiday season. I guess there’s a chance they’ll release something for Christmas.


I guess imitation pumpkin pie-flavored vodka is a festive way to turn a Thanksgiving dinner dysfunctional. Also, with this vodka it’s now possible for me to get drunk from pumpkin pie-flavored vodka and then pass out with my face landing into a pumpkin pie. That would make an awesome Facebook photo.

If you’re out shopping and see a new product on the shelf (or really unusual), snap a picture of it, email it to us at with “Spotted” in the subject line, and you might see it in our next Spotted on Shelves post.

7 thoughts to “SPOTTED ON SHELVES – 9/25/2012”

  1. I got my Count Chocula last week, great as always! I miss having it year-round (and I also miss the original marshmallow-shaped marshmallows) but love that they at least have it once a year.

  2. I’m assuming that for the next Eggo Seasons Kellog would make a gingerbread eggo waffle or who know peppermint waffle?!

    1. I would definitely buy a gingerbread waffle. Not so sure about peppermint though (how the hell would that work?).

      When I took these photos I don’t know what shocked me more, seeing the vodka or coming across Bacardi 151 for the first time.

  3. I’m guessing that just like last year, there will be no pumpkin Eggos for us Alaskans (at least I couldn’t find any, after going to every store in the area). Target didn’t even have them.

    And I’d LOVE gingerbread waffles. Although even if they did make them, I probably wouldn’t be able to find them, either.

    And I was just in Target this weekend, and didn’t see any Count Chocula, either. Sigh.

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