Update: We tried them! Click here to read our Dark Chocolate Fudge Covered Oreo review. Click here to read our Caramel Coconut Oreo review.
Um, kiss the Dark Chocolate Fudge Covered Oreo, marry the Chocolate Marshmallow Oreo, and kill the Caramel Coconut Oreo. Although “kiss,” “marry,” and “kill” all mean “eat” when I play Kiss, Marry, Kill with food. (Chocolate Marshmallow and Fudge Covered spotted by Robbie at Walmart. Caramel Coconut spotted by Bob K at Walmart.)
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Oreo could do a special LTO oreo with raspberry creme and then cover it in fudge.
Are Chocolate Marshmallow and Caramel Coconut permanent additions? Didn’t see a “limited edition” tag and don’t remember many limited flavors getting Family Sized packaging (if anything, they seemed to be a little smaller than the normal Oreo packaging).
I couldn’t taste any caramel or coconut flavor. They just tasted like the regular flavor to me?
The caramel ones taste pretty much like the tragically retired caramel Thins that they discontinued, but with chocolate cookies. And every so often you end up with a flake of coconut in your mouth that reminds you to wonder why they bothered to adulterate the caramel in the first place.
The marshmallow flavor has a slight “hot cocoa” taste, and you definitely notice a “marbit” texture mixed in with normal Oreo textures.
Yes, they’re supposed to be a new addition for this year. And yes you’re right. A limited edition pack of Oreo’s is usually 10.8 oz.