Here are some interesting new products found on store shelves by your fellow readers. If you’ve tried any of the products, share your thoughts about them in the comments.

(Spotted by Tommy at Walmart.)

(Spotted by Erin K at Walmart.)

(Spotted by Rachel C at Walmart.)

(Spotted by Rachel C at Trader Joe’s.)

(Spotted by Tommy at Big Y.)

(Spotted by Dorothy at Giant Eagle)

(Spotted by Robbie at Walmart.)

(Spotted by Robbie at Walmart.)

(Spotted by Robbie at Walmart.)

(Spotted by Robbie at Sam’s Club.)
Would the avocado oil impart much of a difference in flavor to the popcorn? Or is this largely a marketing gimmick?
It wouldn’t impart a flavour. And it is not a gimmick, it is a healthier oil.
A lil healthier then the butter I gues
Nerds Gummy Clusters = Chopped up Nerds Ropes? Not complaining!
Oh great, more pretentious “Faggy” yogurt. Yes, that’s how I say it. I refuse to say it the other way.