Here are some interesting new products found on store shelves by your fellow readers. If you’ve tried any of them, share your thoughts in the comments.

(Spotted by Robbie at Sam’s Club.)

(Spotted by Amanda Y at Kroger.)

(Spotted by Robbie at Sam’s Club.)

(Spotted by Amanda Y at Walmart.)

(Spotted by Robbie at Kroger Marketplace.)

(Spotted by Robbie at Sam’s Club.)

(Spotted by Amanda Y at Sprouts.)
My feet started swelling just thinking about the sodium content of those Michelina’s entrees.
Tortilla pockets? Genious. No leaks and also not dealing with just a bunch of folded up tortilla when you get to the end! Wonder how well they actually hold up…
Also, enticed by the pizza popcorn.
Looks cool, but seems like it would be a pain in the ass (and time consuming) to get everything evenly distributed in there.
True…hadn’t really thought about that.
Would seem to be just fine for a pre-mixed mix–e.g. stuffing a prepared Caesar salad mix into the tortilla pockets. Otherwise, as you said, would seem to be easier just to go the standard tortilla route (and accept as the nature of the beast, the folder tortilla layers at the ends).
Again, true! And ya know what, I guess at least that folded tortilla layer ends up being a super saucy treat at the bottom. I’m so torn and curious on this one, lol. If I had a bunch of free time I would definitely be doing a research project on, um, well, this conundrum. At the end of the day though, I’d just go for whichever is cheaper!
Ya’ know, in the end and having thought on it some, the tortilla pocket seems like a relative to pita. And in the end, I think that I’d prefer to go the pita route, as potentially easier to stuff (including for unmixed fillings) and as possibly tastier.
I have seen some of those same Whisps products in a smaller size selling for $1.25 at Dollar Tree.