SPOTTED: Tres Leches Toast Crunch and Kit Kat Cereals

Update: We tried them! Click here to read our Tres Leches Toast Crunch review. Click here to read our Kit Kat Cereal review.

I don’t know what’s more impressive — Kit Kat Cereal or General Mills’ ability to keep coming out with Toast Crunch cereals that we never would’ve thought of. (Spotted by Tommy at Walmart.)

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3 thoughts to “SPOTTED: Tres Leches Toast Crunch and Kit Kat Cereals”

  1. I’ve definitely gotta try both of them, especially the tres leches toast crunch.

    1. Tres Leches one is pretty lit.. before you put some in a bowl and throw milk on it, try it dry. It’s pretty damn good just to snack on too.

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