SPOTTED: Brach’s Fall Festival Candy Corn

The flavors in this assortment are kettle corn, caramel apple, cotton candy, lemonade shake-up, strawberry funnel cake, and lemon-lime snowcone. (Spotted by Mark at Lee’s Marketplace.)

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One thought to “SPOTTED: Brach’s Fall Festival Candy Corn”

  1. I always look forward to Brach’s fall mix of weird flavors, but this one is seriously disappointing. Almost nothing about them says fall. Lemonade, strawberry funnel cake, lemon-lime snowcone and cotton candy are about as summer as you can get.

    It would be one thing if these seasonally inappropriate flavors were at least unique and interesting, but they’re mostly boring fruity flavors. And why do we need lemon-lime AND lemonade in the same mix? The only one that really says fall is the caramel apple, but that’s nothing new…caramel apple candy corn has been around for years.

    Thumbs down, Brach’s!

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