REVIEW: Coca-Cola Limited Edition Y3000

According to Coca-Cola, its Limited Edition Y3000 Cola is “Futuristic Flavored” and was partially developed using Artificial Intelligence. But should we trust AI to come up with new flavors? I don’t even trust it to write a paragraph about the limited edition cola.

But I did anyway.

Here’s what it came up with after I asked it to compose something about Y3000: “Coca-Cola has recently introduced a new limited edition flavor that has fans buzzing with excitement. The new flavor, called Coca-Cola Zero Sugar Orange Vanilla, is a refreshing twist on the classic soft drink that has quickly become a fan favorite.”

So, um, yeah.

While it’s “Futuristic Flavored,” it smells like a beverage I’ve had before. Despite putting my nose on the top of this bottle for the same amount of time my dog’s nose is under a fire hydrant, I can’t definitely place where I’ve smelled it before. With its berry-ish aroma, I want to say Pepsi Blue, but that would be weird because my fellow reviewer said this other Coca-Cola Creations cola smells like Pepsi Blue.

But the way it tastes confuses me even more. There’s a tasty berry vanilla flavor at first, but the aftertaste sometimes reminds me of buttered popcorn jelly beans. That aftertaste was more noticeable after using Y3000 to soothe my mouth after eating some Takis. But other times, that aftertaste wasn’t buttery and leaned heavily towards vanilla-y. I think I also picked up on some artificial banana flavoring. But that buttered popcorn vibe caused a cola that started off good to fall a bit off at the end. Let me know in the comments if any of you also noticed that artificial buttered popcorn flavor.

So, um, yeah. Thank you, Artificial Intelligence. Thank you for making what started out as possibly one of the better tasting Coca-Cola Creations flavors and then making it perhaps the one with the weirdest aftertaste. Now I’m curious about how the Zero Sugar version tastes.

Although, to be fair, according to Coca-Cola, the soda was developed by AI AND humans, so maybe it was human error that caused the back end of this soda to taste like a Jelly Belly?

Purchased Price: More than one should pay on eBay
Size: 20 oz bottle (also available in 7.5 oz cans)
Purchased at: eBay
Rating: 6 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (1 bottle) 240 calories, 0 grams of fat, 50 milligrams of sodium, 65 grams of carbohydrates, 65 grams of sugar (including 65 grams of added sugar), and 0 grams of protein.

48 thoughts to “REVIEW: Coca-Cola Limited Edition Y3000”

  1. I feel so weird now because all I got was a sour prune/plum type vibe and it was not good.

    It’s the first Coca Cola Creations flavor I have not cared for at all.

    1. Funny, because it’s only the second one I’ve actually cared enough about to possibly get again. I only get the Zero Sugar versions. I didn’t like it as much as regular Coke Zero, but it wasn’t bad.

      Couldn’t pinpoint the flavor though, almost felt a little strawberry-banana’ish.

    2. I concur its hard to describe. The initial taste sensation to me made me think or Swiss cheese. I’ve tried both zero sugar and regular and that taste is there in both. I’ve tried it twice – my first and my last.

      1. The aftertaste was very nutty to me, with a little bit of vanilla. My first thought was pistachio, or pistachio icecream.

    3. No like. Tasted like watered down sugar free coke. I don’t think I’ll be able to acquire the taste. I love cold cold cold cherry coke in shredded ice.

      No competition here.

  2. Color me intrigued!

    Soon as you said that it smells like Pepsi Blue (which I LOVED and desperately miss), you got me interested

  3. I got crazy tequila vibes from the aftertaste. And so far, I am the only person who has felt like this so I have to conclude that my taste buds are broken.

  4. It’s odd that Coke put ended up with a buttered popcorn flavor in there. Strangely enough, the Peeps Pepsi had a disgusting butter taste mixed with some really sweet, vile flavors. It was so nasty! I can make myself ill if I think about that concoction for too long :X

  5. it tasted like vanilla & cotton candy to me. the cola taste is what always throws me with these ‘mystery’ flavors. i think if it was a sprite base it’d be so much better! (tried zero sugar).

  6. Reactions have been all over the map with this one… wouldn’t it be interesting if there are actually multiple versions of this floating around our grocery store shelves? FWIW I definitely thought Peach, with an aftertaste of something slightly herbal/floral (maybe ginger?)

  7. I have no clue what this flavor is suppose to be. The first few sips I thought it was something like cotton candy or maybe some type of bubble gum flavor. By the time I finished it, I thought it was some type of peachy or mango type flavor with hints of vanilla cream thrown in.

    Regardless, its a mess. It’s not awful, but its not good either. It’s very mid.

  8. You are right about the buttery vanilla flavor. I was thinking it was maybe caramel. I really like it, and hope they make it a permanent flavor.

  9. I’m definitely tasting some pineapple! (Perhaps that because I’ve been eagerly awaiting to try pineapple Pepsi)

  10. So from someone who has not tried this yet I am getting it is a berry, peach, pineapple, banana, vanilla, cotton candy, buttered popcorn flavor?

  11. I have not liked the last two “creations” at all. This one smells of orange, and sort of tastes that way. It’s not very good. The last one wasn’t very good. The one with “marshmello” on it wasn’t great, either. Don’t know why Coke can’t just stick with things that work. Cinnamon, lime, lemon, vanilla, cherry. I’d love to see Coke put out a cinnamon one, like Pepsi once did.
    This one is orange and some really awful smelling chemical. Like a fruit that’s been getting mushy. Bergamot? Vanilla, a little.
    The first two flavors weren’t all that great, either, but they were much better than the last few.

  12. Sorry this coke does not taste like orange vanilla. It’s more of a stale, rotten grape flavor and no gas and too sweet! Don’t like it.

  13. Dude, you and my daughter are exact twinsies. You both had the EXACT same experience with the flavors, down to the buttered popcorn after reading something spicy. I read this to her and she thought I had written the post about her, she was stunned.

  14. If I didn’t know any better and you gave this to me, I’d swear it was a ginger ale or even a hard seltzer. It certainly made me burp like it. I imagine Willy Wonka’s Fizzy Lifting Drink would taste like this. I am drinking the regular version.

    I did get the buttered popcorn finish, but the flavor itself reminded a lot of Cactus Lime, Peach Sweet Tea, possibly even a Hot Toddy or Apple Cider.

  15. I got a berry vanilla/bubblegum flavor then a yogurt flavor then a vinegar flavor.
    I don’t know. I didn’t like it. It’s definitely in the bottom of the mystery Coke flavors.
    I wish they brought the Starlight flavor back as that one was my favorite.

  16. I did like the taste at first but that aftertaste… completely threw me off. Coke please don’t let AI make anymore flavors if this is what they’ll be tasting like ?

  17. Starlight had that buttered popcorn thing going on, too. This one hit me with a hard vinegar taste at first, then mellowed to that buttered popcorn. There is a fruit involved maybe, but I have no idea what it is. Demon fruit? Am I going to have superpowers?


  18. Not too sure what all this aftertaste and nose stuff is all about. It tastes like cough medicine and not in a good way. Who thought this was a good idea? The future is gonna taste really bad if this is an example. AI sure cannot taste their creation. Not a great move Coke. This is a one and done purchase.

  19. I get the berry/bubble gum/cotton candy/vanilla vibe but tequila and vinegar I don’t get.
    I do, however agree that this is the worst flavor yet. I personally liked the Legend Coke. loved the flavor on that. Starlight was second on my list. This one is a hard pass.

  20. I also tasted the buttered popcorn jelly belly, but only after eating spicy food. I am one of the few humans I know that actually like buttered popcorn jelly bellies, so I’m totally cool with it.

    Before the spicy food, it was kind of just, coke. But with a lightness and almost grassiness green-ness.

  21. I struggled to figure out what in the HECK I was tasting with this one, because at first all I could pick out was the flavor of candy and sour garbage. Then I got Fruit Stripe gum. It’s got some kind of tropical flavor in there, like passion fruit or guava or dragon fruit, that is overwhelming anything else. Couldn’t get past the sense of sour garbage though. Not a fan.

  22. Worst soda ever. No real taste. Took a couple of sips, but it’s going in the trash. Why Coke??? That’s all I want to know.
    Need to go back to original Coke Zero.

  23. I love this flavor. Some do some don’t, thats why theres many flavors. Nobody can keep it in the coolers anywhere around me.

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