NEWS: New Popchips Flavors Make Me Pop…Down There

When I first tried popchips, I thought they were missing the best potato chip flavor ever in their lineup — sour cream & onion — and hoped someday they would come out with that flavor. Fortunately James Ingram and Linda Ronstadt were correct when they sang, somewhere out there, there’s a place where dreams do come true, and I believe that place is in the test kitchens at popchips because they recently introduced a sour cream & onion popchips, along with a cheddar one.

Yes!!! My mind has the ability to make things come true.

Okay, let me imagine Oprah or Martha Stewart caressing me. No…wait!

Let me imagine Oprah AND Martha Stewart caressing me. I’d be the meat in a Millionaire Mogul Sandwich.

Come on! Come true, baby!

Like all popchips, these new flavors are all natural and have less than half the fat of fried chips. A 1 ounce serving size of each contains 120 calories, 4 grams of fat, 0.5 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 290 milligrams of sodium and 20 grams of carbohydrates. Both flavors come in either 3 or 0.8 ounce bags.

NEWS: Method’s New Dilutable Cleaner Is Like A Mogwai Because It Multiplies When Water Is Added

Gizmo was so cute in the movie Gremlins. Those big eyes made me want to pet him and his soft fur made me want to use him as a mop to clean my floors.

If I ever get the opportunity to clean my apartment with a mogwai, I might use Method’s new Dilutable Cleaner.

Although since I would be adding water to the super concentrated cleaner and the cleaner itself contains water, Gizmo would probably multiply and Mr. Wing would come to my door and tell me that I’m not ready to properly care for a mogwai.

The Method Dilutable Cleaner only comes in once scent: citrus leaf. It cleans using eco-friendly, biodegradable ingredients like plant-based cleaners and natural mineral boosters. It’s available now in stores and comes in a 25-ounce bottle.

Bucket not included.

NEWS: Non-Flamboyant Limited Edition Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Honors Sir Elton John

While the Ben & Jerry’s Goodbye Yellow Brickle Road ice cream isn’t new to those in Vermont, where the Ben & Jerry’s headquarters is located, because it was released there after Sir Elton John made his first-ever appearance in 2008, it’s new to the rest of us and will be available nationwide for a limited time.

Unfortunately, the packaging and ingredients aren’t close to being as flamboyant as Sir Elton John, whose wardrobe shines brighter than Disneyland’s Main Street Electrical Parade. This limited batch ice cream contains chocolate ice cream, peanut butter cookie dough, brickle candy pieces and white chocolate chunks.

It may be ice cream, but perhaps the coolest thing about the Goodbye Yellow Brickle Road is that a portion of the proceeds from it will benefit the Elton John AIDS Foundation.

A serving of it has 280 calories, 15 grams of fat, 10 grams of saturated fat, 34 grams of carbohydrates, 2 grams of fiber, 26 grams of sugar and 4 grams of protein.

Read our review here.

On Second Scoop has a review of it.

NEWS: Enjoy A 99% Cleaner Way To Eat Cinnabon With Kellogg’s Cinnabon Snack Bars

Cinnabon is a staple of malls across America. Each store’s sweet, cinnamon scent is the bait that lures hungry shoppers to the cashier, who is waiting for those poor souls to cough up the cash for the gooey, sugary taste of a Cinnabon cinnamon roll topped with frosting. Armed with a fork and knife, those poor souls will cut one of those huge cinnamon rolls in half so that they can enjoy the other half later. But once the warm delectable baked good hits their tongue, they’ll decide to finish it all in one sitting because it won’t taste as good later on.

Even with a fork and knife, their hands still end up stickier than the floor at a 25 cent peep show and napkins don’t help at all. After the gluttony has ended, they’ll look down upon their sticky hands and curse Cinnabon for being so delicious, but within the following weeks they’ll repeat the journey all over again.

Or if their will is strong, they can eat the new Kellogg’s Cinnabon Snack Bars as a replacement, which are probably significantly better for them and cleaner than regular Cinnabon cinnamon rolls. But they probably aren’t as tasty, even if they warm up the snack bars like the packaging suggests.

The Cinnabon Snack Bars come in two flavors: original and caramel. One bar of the original flavor contains 150 calories, 4.5 grams of fat, 2 grams of saturated fat, 130 milligrams of sodium, 26 grams of carbohydrates and 13 grams of sugar. A bar of the caramel version has 150 calories, 4 grams of fat, 2 grams of saturated fat, 85 milligrams of sodium, 27 grams of carbohydrates and 14 grams of sugar.

NEWS: Kellogg’s Adds Honey To Corn Flakes To Make Them Slightly Less Damn Boring

When I want to express how boring something is, I occasionally use the phrase, “It’s like watching paint dry.” But when I want to mix it up, I use the line, “It’s like eating Corn Flakes.” Or, “It’s like watching C-SPAN with the volume turned down.”

Corn Flakes is a cereal I don’t pay attention to in the vast cereal aisle because everything about it is boring. I’m surprised there’s a rooster on the front of the box. Instead I think there should be sheep jumping over a fence, because Corn Flakes are so boring that they make me fall asleep. Recently, Kellogg’s introduced a new Corn Flakes variety with a hint of added sweetness, the Corn Flakes Touch of Honey.

I’m sure the addition of honey will make Corn Flakes a little more interesting, but why has it taken so long for Kellogg’s to do this? Corn Flakes has been around for about a century and only now they’ve come up with this idea? I guess better late than never.

A cup serving of the Corn Flakes Touch of Honey contains 120 calories, 0 grams of fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 220 milligrams of sodium, 50 milligrams of potassium, 27 grams of carbohydrates, less than 1 gram of dietary fiber, 6 grams of sugar, 20 grams other carbohydrates, 2 grams of protein and a bunch of vitamins and minerals.