To Hawaii residents, macadamia nuts are like flowers and most of the stuff at Spencer’s, they’re not something they would buy for themselves.
However, that may change thanks to these Macadamia Nuts with SPAM, which combines the canned nut tourists love to buy with the flavor people in the other 49 states don’t understand why Hawaii residents enjoy.
Even for me, someone who enjoys the taste of SPAM, the combination made me scratch my head. When I first saw a picture of the can, I thought it was a heavily Photoshopped creation, like Tara Reid’s recent spread in Playboy. But even when I saw it with my own eyes and held a can in my hand, I still couldn’t quite believe it and thought fake snakes were going to jump out when I opened it.
But that didn’t happen. The only thing that jumped out was the scent of macadamia nuts with a noticeable amount of SPAM. Each nut has a slight pink powdery coating, which makes sense since a SPAM product wouldn’t be one if it didn’t come in the pink hue that even disgusts the pink-loving Hello Kitty.
While looking at them, all I could think about was whether they would be gross, like the Playboy pictorial of former WWF wrestler Chyna, or disappointing, like Olivia Munn’s safe-for-work Playboy photos.

Fortunately, they were neither.
While there’s definitely a SPAM flavor, it’s not overpowering and the combination of the mystery meat and macadamia nuts was surprisingly tasty. While I prefer to have my macadamia nuts dipped in sweet chocolate, the SPAM coating is a good savory option, even though the idea of SPAM in pink powdered form is kind of unsettling, like Marge Simpson posing in Playboy.
But, again, I enjoy the taste of SPAM.
If you don’t like SPAM, you’ll probably avoid these Macadamia Nuts with SPAM, much like how I avoided the issue of Playboy with Heidi Montag on the cover.
(Nutrition Facts – 1 ounce – 200 calories, 20 grams of fat, 3 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 145 milligrams of sodium, 4 grams of carbohydrates, 2 grams of fiber, 1 gram of sugar, 2 grams of protein, 2% calcium and 4% iron.)
Item: Macadamia Nuts with SPAM
Price: $4.99
Size: 4.5 ounces
Purchased at: Longs Drugs
Rating: 6 out of 10
Pros: Mystery meat and macadamia nuts are a surprisingly tasty combination. SPAM flavor isn’t overpowering. My knowledge of celebrities who have been in Playboy. The monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats in macadamia nuts. Makes a great WTF gift. Olivia Munn.
Cons: Not for those who don’t like SPAM. Pink powder on them makes them look a little frightening. Marge Simpson, Chyna and Heidi Montag in Playboy. Olivia Munn’s non-nude Playboy photos. Only available in Hawaii.
One has to check the date on this post to make sure it is not April 1. Boy, this beats any of the weirdest crap released in Japan. 🙂
I think this would be even better if it was a “Fried Spam Flavored” Macadamia Nuts. With a little bit of that burned/koge taste. For you folks whose first reaction is – EWW! there is no actual luncheon meat flavoring the nuts. Remember, Spam = Spiced Ham.
Ummmmmm sounds disgusting! However you are right, SPAM lovers would enjoy this treat.
What are you guys talking about? Nuts and SPAM? Brilliant!
Marvo, let’s chat. I need to get me a can of these.
When I saw this at Don Qixote I was amazed! I bought it to bring back for (part of) my bf’s Christmas present, since he loves SPAM. He made a kind of funny face the first time he ate one, and hasn’t had any more since.
Come on that was to tame to be a Marvo review! Not even one reference to your pink nuts, your nuts being in the pink or your salty pink nuts or dipping your pink nuts in chocolate?
Not a spam fan, so I think I’ll pass on these…probably hard to find here anyhow.
It’s been a while since I commented, but hearing about this reminded me of your sad tragic tale of Jalapeno Spam.
I actually like spam, but I try not to admit that to anyone. These would probably be…not bad.
Ah, you finally got around to this review. I was anxious to hear what your thoughts on it were. I agree with ‘DHL’ in that you were a little, ehem, “reserved” on this one. So many opportunities for innuendos with just the name alone! lol
If you check out my latest review, stay on the lookout for SPAM ROCA! Ack!
AWESOME! I’m not a SPAM fan, but my dad is so we had it for dinner more often than I would have liked. However, I definitely would try these. I can understand why you are so subdued in the review – you are in a SPAM induced coma.
The only reason I hopped on over to your website today (Uh, I mean, not that I ever LEAVE this website or anything) was to get your e-mail so I could suggest you try these– I bought a can today at Don Quijote, and I really love them! I’m gonna save the rest to crush up and coat a chicken breast.
@Orchid64: When TIB first started, I thought about reviewing only fake products that my mind could come up with. But I couldn’t think of many during the brainstorming session that followed. Anyhoo, I’m not sure if this beats any of the weirdest stuff from Japan. Although, they might be on par.
@Lane O: I’d like to see someone crush these and then use it as a coating for deep frying SPAM.
@amanda: I also thinks goats would enjoy it, but then again, goat will eat anything.
@The Frozen Food Master: Brilliant indeed!
@Erin: I find it strange he didn’t like it. I guess he truly doesn’t love SPAM. 🙂
@DHL: I decided not to go that route, because I like to use testicle references for those times when I review peanut products.
@Chuck: I was hoping they would sell it over the internet, but the company doesn’t.
@Brie: I should write more SPAM-related reviews to get you to comment more often. 🙂
@Pomai: I think going the testicle route might’ve been too obvious, so I went with the Playboy issue references.
@Clevegal42: I didn’t like SPAM growing up and refused to eat it. But being poor taught my taste buds to like them.
@Kate: I’d really like someone to crush up some and coat a slice of SPAM. I should make Sam Choy do it.
Playboy and spam lol