Here are some new and limited edition products found on store shelves by us and your fellow readers. We may or may not review them, but we’d like to let you know what new items are popping up. We’ll also occasionally throw in an unusual product.

Campbell's Skillet Sauces

Campbell’s Skillet Sauces come in six flavors: Creamy Chipotle, Scampi, Fire Roasted Tomato, Thai Green Curry, Toasted Sesame, and Marsala. And with these sauces it’s super easy to trick someone into thinking you have culinary skills. Just heat oil, then heat meat and/or veggies, then stir in the sauce, let the meat and veggies cook, throw away the Campbell’s Skillet Sauces packet into a neighbor’s garbage can, and then shred the store receipt with the Campbell’s Skillet Sauce listed on it. Evidence gone. (Spotted at Target.)

Campbell's Chunky Kickin' Buffalo-Style Chicken

Campbell’s Chunky Soup is the “soup that eats like a meal.” But for this particular flavor, I think they should change it to say, “soup that eats like an appetizer at an establishment more known for their scantily clad employees than their food.” But I don’t think a graphic designer could nicely fit all of that on the label. By the way, Dude Foods reviewed it. (Spotted at Target.)

Ice Cream Oreo Cookies n' Creme

I remember when Limited Edition Ice Cream Oreo Cookies n’ Creme was Limited Edition Oreo DQ Blizzard Creme way back in 2010. (Spotted at Walmart. Spotted by Adam.)

Land O Lakes Italian Herb Saute Express

Yeah! Culinary cheating! I’m gonna cheat my way to the Masterchef title! (Spotted at Food Lion. Spotted by Nadirah.)


Microwaveable popcorn that pops in a box. I want a company to make microwaveable popcorn that pops in gigantic tubs and charges me $10 for it, just like the movie theaters do. (Spotted at HEB. Spotted by Tabetha.)

If you’re out shopping and see a new or limited edition product on the shelf (or really unusual), snap a picture of it, and send us an email ( with where you found it and “Spotted” in the subject line. If you do so, you might see your picture in our next Spotted on Shelves post.

4 thoughts to “SPOTTED ON SHELVES – 11/7/2012”

  1. A cookies and cream flavored cookie with cream lol. I tried these and they were okay. Less sweet then regular oreo’s with a similar amount of cream to a double stuff but in the end whenever i try limited edition oros it’s like hooking up with someone for the first time after breaking up with a boyfriend or girlfriend, it kind of leaves you wanting what you’ve always known and loved.

  2. I actually picked up a can of the kickin buffalo soup. I’ve not tried it just yet but I’m excited!

  3. Had the Campbells Toasted Sesame skillet meal for dinner tonight. Had a coupon and was pleased the main ingredient was not high fructose corn syrup. Not bad. My toddler didn’t eat it, but he doesn’t eat anything but grilled cheese so that doesn’t mean anything.

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