What are Sun Puffs Four Cheese?
This is the first non-chip form for Sun Chips. When I originally saw the images on the bag, I thought they were churros-shaped, but they are not. Instead, they look like large pillowy cereal pieces that could help you consume 100 percent of your daily fiber.
The four kinds of cheese that flavor the snack are: Monterey jack, cheddar, gouda, and mozzarella.
How are they?
I like Sun Chips, but if you gave me the option between them and a bag of potato chips, I’d take the fried spud slices and leave the Sun Chips 10 out of 10 times. But if bags of Sun Puffs Four Cheese and Cheetos were in front of me, I’d grab the Cheetos, but then also snag the Sun Puffs, because I’m greedy and they are sun-prisingly wonderful.
With the combination of cheeses, they have a slightly funky aroma and a mature tangy flavor that mostly hides the fact I’m eating a whole grain snack. Although, the cheesiness eventually fades and there’s a whole grain aftertaste. Think of these as tasting like a Triscuit with some decent cheese. They don’t quite reach Cheetos-level of snackability, but I still dig them.
Is there anything else I need to know?
While they’re made with 100 percent whole grain and look like a cereal that’ll give you 100 percent of your daily intake of fiber, a serving provides only seven percent of your daily fiber. Yes, you could eat the entire bag and get about 40 percent, which is plausible because they’re hard to stop eating.

Also, regarding the whole grains, if you don’t like how regular Sun Chips feel in your mouth as you break them down with your teeth, then expect these to give you that same feeling. You know, the graininess that reminds you that Sun Chips are not Tostitos or regular potato chips.
Frito-Lay, who also makes Cheetos, also makes Sun Puffs. So if there’s anyone who knows how to create addictive cheese-flavored crunchy puffs, it’s Frito-Lay. And it did a great job with these. Now, although I realize these don’t look like churros, I’d love to have a cinnamon sugar version.
Purchased Price: $4.39
Size: 6 oz. bag
Purchased at: Longs Drugs
Rating: 8 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (about 15 puffs) 150 calories, 8 grams of fat, 1 gram of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 180 milligrams of sodium, 17 grams of carbohydrates, 2 grams of fiber, 2 grams of sugar, and 3 grams of protein.
Make other flavors
ideas for flavors :
I’ve been looking for these Sun puffs. I can’t seem to find them anywhere. They have this unique taste I just love the crunch. Hoping they are going to make these chips.
Sweet chili peppers, ranch, garlic honey, cheeseburger sweet: honey butter , cinnamon bun , coffee cake
I really liked them, but I would love to see more flavors. A nacho one, definitely the garden salsa is an established flavor and would be ideal for the puffs. Basically any of the other flavors would be awesome.