Here are the flavors, minus that Grey Poupon one we already covered, that are replacing the Van Leeuwen varieties we saw and tasted several weeks ago. (S’mores, Honey Cornbread, and Espresso flavors spotted by Amanda Y and Peach spotted by Brian C at Walmart.)
The Kraft Mac n cheese and hot honey one are on clearance at my Walmart for $2 each. I tried the hot honey one and was very good,not trying the Kraft one.
Now, these flavors are more my style. 🙂
The cornbread one I think it will work out the best. Cornbread can be ideal balance with sweet. Hope the cornbread chunks are plenty.
I had the espresso fior di latte and it may be the best coffee ice cream I’ve ever eaten.
NON-gag-worthy flavors from them?? Is this real life?
Anyone know the difference between “Campfire S’mores” and regular “S’mores”? Aren’t all S’mores supposed to be done on the campfire? Does it come with pieces of ash from the fire?
More “creative” and descriptive words drive sales.
As someone in marketing, and who should “know better”, I fully admit that this usage still helps to lure me in, quite often.
Splinters of wood from the sticks would be my guess. Ice cream helps slow down your mouth’s bleeding if you get a jagged one. Will try to find this flavor to confirm.
HAHAHAHA!!! I like your style.
Probably none, but I (usually wrongly) assume “Campfire” means whatever marshmallow component has been thoroughly toasted. I’m gonna go look for this one today so will report back if I’m successful 🙂
Are these only at Walmart?
wow honey cornbread and strawberry…as a kid growing up, weekends would be baking up some JIFFY CORNBREAD AND SMUCKERS JAM!!! nostalgia…