NEWS: Add Some Holiday Cheer To Your Burger King Meal With BK’s Gingerbread Cookie Sundae and Shake

This week, Burger King introduced two limited time only holiday desserts — the Gingerbread Cookie Sundae and Gingerbread Cookie Shake.

The Gingerbread Cookie Sundae features vanilla soft serve, topped with a gingerbread sauce and crumbled gingersnap cookies. It has a suggested retail price of $2.49. The hand-blended Gingerbread Cookie Shake is made up of vanilla soft serve and gingerbread syrup blended together with whipped topping and crumbled gingersnap cookies on top. It has a suggested retail price of $1.99.

Personally, I would’ve liked to have seen the Gingerbread Cookie Sundae feature a gingerbread man cookie dunked into the soft serve feet first to make him look like he’s lounging in the sundae.

That’s would’ve been extremely adorable.


Here are some new products found on store shelves by us and your fellow readers. We may or may not review them, but we’d like to let you know what new items are popping up. We’ll also occasionally throw in an unusual product.

Mallowbites Ice Cream Cone Marshmallows

Mallowbites Fruit

Do you remember when marshmallows came in only one flavor? You don’t? Well then, take your hop-hip music on your iTelephones and get off my lawn, you young whippersnappers! (Both spotted at Walmart. Thanks for the photos, Kayla and Kenneth!)

Knorr Menu Flavors Pasta Sides

I’m not sure which restaurant’s menu Knorr was looking at for these two new flavors of their Pasta Sides Menu Flavors. My guess is either Chili’s, Applebee’s, T.G.I. Friday’s, or a made-up restaurant called Habernathy’s. (Spotted at Target. Thanks for the photo, Kenneth!)
Pillsbury Funfetti

Wait a minute? Putting cake on a stick is a thing? So I put the cake pop in my mouth, pull the stick out of it, and that’s it. I can’t suck on it. I can’t shave my head and pretend I’m Kojak. Sounds lame. Or maybe I’m old. Here’s a Pillsbury Funfetti Cake Pop Kit review. (Spotted at Target. Thanks for the photo, Richard!)

Guy Fieri Sauces

I don’t care about Guy Fieri sauces or Guy Fieri pizzas. The only product I would like to see with Guy Fieri’s face on it is Guy Fieri hair gel. And maybe a Guy Fieri hair bleaching kit. (Spotted at Safeway)

If you’re out shopping and see a new product on the shelf (or really unusual), snap a picture of it, send us an email ([email protected]) with where you found it and “Spotted” in the subject line, and you might see your picture in our next Spotted on Shelves post.

REVIEW: Nabisco Limited Edition Lemon Twist Oreo

Nabisco Limited Edition Lemon Twist Oreo

These Limited Edition Lemon Twist Oreo cookies don’t have a twist that forces you to ride the suspense pony like a typical M. Night Shyamalan movie does. They’re just two golden vanilla Oreo cookies with lemon-flavored creme sandwiched between them, so they’re pretty straight forward.

Or are they?

According to the front of the packaging, they’re made with “natural flavor with other natural flavor.” But after reading the ingredients list, I saw dead people…I mean, I saw it’s also made with artificial flavor.

Dum. Dum. Duummmm.

Okay, the only twist involved with these Limited Edition Lemon Twist Oreo cookies is the action of twisting and not the unexpected plot change in a work of fiction that M. Night Shyamalan will only be known for when directing career is over. Creme lickers know what I’m talking about. Stick out your tongue, if you feel me.

I twisted the top off of several Lemon Twist Oreo cookies and licked the creme like I was living in the 1980s and needed to seal an envelope and adhere a 20-cent first class stamp to the front of it. What did my mastication muscles discover?

I thought the creme was going to taste like a wood table that’s been recently cleaned with lemon Pledge, and I prepared for that by licking a Pledge cleaned table, but the creme tasted nothing like that. Instead, it had little lemon sourness that’s quickly joined with a vanilla sweetness. However, there’s a slight artificial lemon aftertaste, which you’ll relive after every post-Lemon Twist Oreo burp. The lemon creme was tasty, but licking it wasn’t as satisfying as French kissing the vanilla creme in an original Oreo cookie.

Nabisco Limited Edition Lemon Twist Oreo Closeup

What was satisfying was keeping the top Golden Oreo cookie on and keeping my tongue in my mouth, because eating a complete Lemon Twist Oreo was delightful. The lemon creme and Golden Oreo cookies work extremely well together, creating a flavor similar to lemon meringue. The vanilla flavor of the cookies dampened the sourness of the lemon creme and enhanced the Oreo’s sweetness, producing a pleasant balance of sweet and sour.

I have to say the Limited Edition Lemon Twist Oreo cookies are one of the best limited edition Oreo varieties I’ve tried, and I would eat the entire package right now, but I have to ration them because these cookies are hard to find.

(Note: I’d like to thank Vanessa for mailing me a package of Lemon Twist Oreo cookies. I greatly appreciate it.)

(Nutrition Facts – 2 cookies – 150 calories, 60 calories from fat, 7 grams of fat, 2 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 1 gram of polyunsaturated fat, 3 grams of monounsaturated fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 80 milligrams of sodium, 15 milligrams of potassium, 21 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of fiber, 12 grams of sugar, and less than 1 gram of protein.)

Other Limited Edition Lemon Twist Oreo reviews:
Cookie Madness

Item: Nabisco Limited Edition Lemon Twist Oreo
Purchased Price: $2.99
Size: 15.25 ounces
Purchased at: Woodman’s
Rating: 8 out of 10
Pros: Delightful. Tastes great when consumed as a whole cookie. One of the best limited edition Oreo cookies. Nice balance of sweet and sour. When first class stamps were 20 cents. TIB readers being awesome.
Cons: Licking lemon creme is not as satisfying as licking vanilla Oreo creme. Contains HFCS, if that bothers you. Damn hard to find. Riding the suspense pony during a typical M. Night Shyamalan movie.


Here are some new products found on store shelves by us and your fellow readers. We may or may not review them, but we’d like to let you know what new items are popping up. We’ll also occasionally throw in an unusual product.

CPK Frozen Jamaican Jerk Chicken

Hey, mon! Do you like your frozen pizza topped with a spicy and sweet sauce, Jamaican jerk-style chicken, mozzarella cheese, roasted bell peppers, onions, and scallions? If so, CPK has a limited edition pizza for you to eat after skankin’ to some Eek-A-Mouse. BIG UP!

Delimax Tostizzas

Ugh! Tostizzas! I thought Taco Bell was the only company that made Tex-Mex products with names that have the ability to make Microsoft Word’s spellcheck cry.

Folgers Fresh Breaks

The best part of waking up is knowing there’s an extremely quick and easy way to make a single serving of Folgers coffee in your cup!

New Pace Salsas

New Pace Dips

I find it a little weird Mexican restaurants have homemade salsa, but Pace has restaurant-style salsas. Is that Pace’s way of saying they have homemade salsas? I am confused.

Wasabi Mayonnaise

What!?! Only now I learn there’s a lazier way to get wasabi mayonnaise. I wasted years of my life trying to discover the right wasabi and mayonnaise ratio. Why must you torment me, wasabi gods?

If you’re out shopping and see a new product on the shelf (or really unusual), snap a picture of it, email it to us at [email protected] with “Spotted” in the subject line, and you might see it in our next Spotted on Shelves post.


Here are some pumpkin spice/Halloween products found on store shelves by us and your fellow readers.

Country Crock Pumpkin Spice

Hey, Pumpkin Spice Country Crock tub, your contents are not only great on muffins, sweet potatoes and yams, but I imagine they would also be awesome on pumpkin spice bread and pumpkin spice waffles. (Thanks for the photo, Anna!)

Pumpkin SpiceMallows

If I stab a stick through these pumpkin spice flavored marshmallows and then toast them over an open fire, will they make the air smell like pumpkin pie?

Chips Ahoy Halloween

Chips Ahoy Halloween have to be the least scariest cookies ever. They should revamp the cookie with a zombie green cookie and blood red chocolate chips. Or maybe they should be like these Chewy Gooey Chips Ahoy with a gooey blood red chocolate middle, blood red chocolate chips, and brain colored cookie.

White Chocolate Candy Corn M&Ms

I’m eating White Chocolate Candy Corn M&M’s while I typing this. But I’m only eating the white ones because the keys on my keyboard are white and I’m afraid if I eat the orange or yellow ones, they’ll stain the keys. These are very good, but, thankfully, don’t taste like candy corn.

If you’re out shopping and see a pumpkin spice product on the shelf, snap a picture of it, email it to us at [email protected] with “Spotted” in the subject line, and you might see it in our next Spotted on Shelves post.