REVIEW: Nestle Coffee mate Snickers Creamer

Nestle Coffee mate Snickers Creamer

Nestle has teamed up with, um, Mars to offer a Snickers-flavored coffee creamer. I’ll let the words on its 32 fluid ounce bottle tell you more, “Satisfied? You’re about to be. Because when it comes to satisfaction nobody does it like Snickers. And when it comes to creamer, nobody does it like Coffee mate. It’s a match made in peanut caramel chocolate coffee heaven.”

For those of you who don’t know what a Snickers bar is for some reason that I guarantee will be a sad story to me, it’s a layer of nougat topped with a layer of caramel with peanuts wading in it and everything is enrobed in chocolate. If that description makes your deprived mouth water, people who don’t know what a Snickers bar is, then let me disappoint it by saying this doesn’t remind me of the iconic candy bar in hot coffee, iced coffee, or in my new way of using creamer, overnight oats.

In the battle between Milky Way vs. Snickers, I’m #TeamSnickers. So I’ve had more than enough of the candy to know what it tastes like, and this doesn’t immediately or distantly remind me of it. I also tried it neat and could taste the chocolate, peanut butter, and caramel, but it formed an odd artificial sweet flavor that I wouldn’t enjoy on its own. Oddly, it smells wonderful, like cookies and cream.

Nestle Coffee mate Snickers Creamer Closeup

When added to coffee it still doesn’t taste like Snickers, but it also doesn’t taste like it does when sipped straight from the bottle. It’s mostly chocolatey, and the weird sweet flavor gets covered up by the java’s bitterness. But there also isn’t anything that reminds me of peanuts or caramel. (Also, what about the nougat?) With its strong chocolate base, it makes my coffee taste like a different shade of mocha. It’s a decent creamer, but I was expecting a bit more.

So, the “um” at the beginning of this review was my brain trying to wrap itself around the idea that Nestle has teamed up with Mars in some DC/Marvel-like crossover. Hey, Nestle rhymes with DC and Mars kind of rhymes with Marvel!

It’s a little odd to see Nestle, the brand behind such favorite candy bars as Butterfinger, Crunch, Baby Ruth, and 100 Grand, team up with Mars, the company behind more popular candy bars, to offer coffee creamers. But I guess now that the candy division of Nestle is now owned by Ferrero (yes, as in Ferrero Rocher), the Nestle that doesn’t deal with candy in the U.S. can do whatever the heck it wants.

With Coffee mate’s Snickers Creamer, it’s as if Nestle and Mars got lazy and slapped the Snickers name on this without actually making it taste like the popular candy bar. I mean, it’s as lazy as copying whatever text is on a bottle and using it in the first paragraph of a review. It’s fine as a coffee addition and I’ll drink the rest without hesitation, but if you’re a hardcore #TeamSnickers, it might not satisfy you.

Purchased Price: $4.29
Size: 32 fl. oz. bottle
Purchased at: Target
Rating: 6 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (1 tbsp) 35 calories, 1.5 grams of fat, 0 grams of saturated fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 20 milligrams of sodium, 5 grams of carbohydrates, 5 grams of sugar, and 0 grams of protein.

QUICK REVIEW: Great Value Danish Butter Cookie Coffee Creamer

Great Value Danish Butter Cookie Coffee Creamer

What is Great Value’s Danish Butter Cookie Creamer?

Walmart’s Great Value Danish Butter Cookie Creamer is a union between an often overshadowed holiday treat and similarly underappreciated line of private-label coffee accoutrements. It promises to give you the ability to freely pour the nostalgic flavor of Danish Butter cookies into your morning cup of joe.

How is it?

Considering that Danish Butter Cookies are one of the best treats to pair with coffee, it should be no surprise this creamer is ideally suited for your morning caffeine. It’s sweet enough to take the bitter edge off a fresh cup without adding additional sugar. Also, the creamer’s predominant flavors of vanilla and butter complemented my drink well.

Great Value Danish Butter Cookie Coffee Creamer 2

After trying this in several different types of coffee, this tastes best when used alongside light or medium roast beans. It’s passable enough in bolder brews, but I found that darker ones tend to drown out some of the creamer’s flavor.

To be honest, I can’t believe Walmart was the first company to think of making a creamer like this. Coffee-mate and International Delight have covered everything from Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups to Strawberry Cheesecake, so I would have figured that one of them would have developed a butter cookie flavor first.

Is there anything else you need to know?

Since I got the taste of Butter Cookies when I tried it in java, I got curious as to whether drinking it on its own would be like the Danish variation of Target’s Sugar Cookie Milk.

Walmart s Great Value Danish Butter Cookie 3

Lesson learned: It’s not. Without coffee to hide the artificial flavor, sipping this by itself tastes less like a cookie and more like how a vanilla Yankee Candle smells.


If you prefer your joe on the light to medium side and have been looking for a new creamer to try, then I’d say Walmart’s Great Value Danish Butter Cookie Creamer is worth a shot. Just don’t expect to be able to leave out a straight glass of this for Santa without getting coal in your stocking.

Purchased Price: $2.48
Size: 32 fl. oz.
Purchased at: Walmart
Rating: 7 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (1 tablespoon) 30 calories, 1 gram of total fat, 0 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 0 milligrams of sodium, 5 grams of total carbohydrates, 0 grams of dietary fiber, 5 grams of total sugars, 5 grams of added sugars, and 0 grams of protein.

REVIEW: Nestle Coffee-mate The Cheesecake Factory At Home Strawberry Cheesecake Creamer

Nestle Coffee mate The Cheesecake Factory At Home Strawberry Cheesecake Creamer

Like beer and Brussels sprouts, strawberry milk is an acquired taste.

For me, the artificial fruit flavor that flings itself across my taste buds isn’t my first choice for flavored milk. But after being stuck with a container of strawberry Nestle Quik in the 1980s (yes, it used to be called Quik, I’m old, get off my lawn), and not being able to get my usual chocolate Quik until I used up the strawberry one, I grew to enjoy its flavor. I like it to the point where I buy a bottle of Strawberry Nesquik from time to time for nostalgia’s sake.

I bring that up because Nestle’s Coffee-mate The Cheesecake Factory Strawberry Cheesecake Creamer reminds me of the month I spent slowly going through the Strawberry Quik tin. They both have a similar flavor that won’t appeal to everyone.

Case in point, I liked it in my medium roast iced coffee but taking her first (and only) sip of what I was drinking caused my wife to grimace so hard that I didn’t recognize her for a moment. While my wife is my only sample size, that look on her face makes me think I might be the ONLY person on Earth who enjoys this creamer.

By itself, the white-colored creamer tastes excellent. It has a flavor that’s part-natural (thanks to the strawberry juice concentrate) and part-artificial (thanks to food scientists). It reminds me of strawberry ice cream that’s heavy on the dairy.

But what I don’t get is the cheesecake. It’s there in the aftertaste, lingering like a cheesecake ghost. However, it’s so faint that I’m not sure the word “cheesecake” should be attached to this. But, let’s be honest, having cheesecake’s tang in a coffee would be weird. Then again, some folks mix butter and salt with their cup of joe.

To be honest, I’m surprised I liked it in coffee. I’ve tried many creamers, but none have been fruit flavored. They’ve all come from the three primary coffee creamer groups — chocolate, vanilla, and caramel. I thought this would give off a weird fruity flavor, but it didn’t. Okay, some of you will find it odd. Also, any hint of cheesecake tang is gone.

While I enjoyed Nestle’s Coffee-mate The Cheesecake Factory Strawberry Cheesecake Creamer, I can understand how folks, like my wife, won’t. I guess it’s an acquired taste. But if you also thought it was tasty, tell me in the comments so I know I’m not the only person on Earth who liked this.

(Nutrition Facts – 1 tbsp – 35 calories, 1.5 grams of fat, 0 grams of saturated fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 5 milligrams of sodium, 5 grams of carbohydrates, 5 grams of sugar, and 0 grams of protein.)

Purchased Price: $3.29
Size: 32 fl. oz. bottle
Purchased at: Target
Rating: 7 out of 10
Pros: Surprisingly tasty with coffee. It reminds me of Strawberry Quik. Missing the cheesecake’s tang might be a good thing.
Cons: Strawberry-flavored coffee won’t be everyones’ cup of tea, I mean, coffee. Missing the cheesecake part (although that might be a good thing). Seeing your wife grimace to the point where you don’t recognizer her.

REVIEW: International Delight Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups Coffee Creamer

International Delight Reese s Peanut Butter Cups Coffee Creamer

I have a no-frills coffee routine every morning — two mugs with a splash of fat-free half and half. It’s my 30 calorie start to what will ultimately be a mundane day.

Ya see I’ve become a caffeine fiend (A Caffiend? ™The Impulsive Buy) as I’ve gotten older, and I often find the hot morning Joe isn’t enough to get by. I often stop at a 7-Eleven, Dunkin’, or Starbucks to indulge in an afternoon iced coffee or cold brew.

Over the past couple weeks I’ve noticed that 7-Eleven has stocked their little coffee nook with Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups International Delight Creamer, and well, it’s troubling. A new threat to my boring coffee existence had reared its ugly head. Then, I found it in my local supermarket and there was no turning back.

I’m a Reese’s junkie. At this point, Reese’s could make toothpaste and I’d camp outside Rite Aid ’til its release. I’ve managed to bypass all the other candy-based creamers until now, but Reese’s?! Peanut butter in my coffee?! Obviously, I had to pick up a bottle.

After popping the top, I was hit with that unmistakable Reese’s smell. We were off and rolling.

International Delight Reese s Peanut Butter Cups Coffee Creamer 2

I figured the best way to do this review was to try it right from the bottle, in hot coffee, and mixed with iced coffee.

Coffee creamer is not meant to be drunk on its own, but I had to do my due diligence for the review’s sake. I took an ice-cold shot of this and it was ridiculously good. It was the melted Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup milkshake I never knew I needed. I had to stop myself from going back for more.

Next, I poured myself a mug of piping hot coffee and poured the same amount of creamer in. That Reese’s taste got a little lost. It did add a strong creaminess to the coffee, and the flavor was still there, but it’s subdued. I got some light chocolate with a nutty finish. It wasn’t all that different from a standard hazelnut coffee. The nuttiness wasn’t specifically peanut butter. I’m sure if I added more it would have tasted better, but therein lies the problem. I don’t want to start my morning with a cup of melted ice cream.

International Delight Reese s Peanut Butter Cups Coffee Creamer 3

So, while it’s still really good, hot coffee isn’t the best delivery system for this creamer. Iced coffee, however, was awesome. I got a plain cup of the aforementioned 7-Eleven iced coffee and added the splash of Reese’s. It tasted like Yoo-hoo with peanut butter mixed in. This definitely works better when cold.

I’m nitpicking because it’s pretty great. If I had the ability to cold brew at home, I’d have this every day. As far as the hot coffee goes, it’s gonna slip into the rotation every few days. I’m not quite ready to change my mundane existence just yet. Someday.


International Delight Reese s Peanut Butter Cups Coffee Creamer 4

(Nutrition Facts – 1 tbsp. – 35 calories, 1.5 grams of fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 5 milligrams of sodium, 5 grams of carbohydrates, 0 gram of fiber, 5 grams of sugar, and 0 gram of protein.)

Purchased Price: $2.99
Size: 32 fl. oz.
Purchased at: ShopRite
Rating: 8 out of 10
Pros: Melted Reese’s milkshake. Spices up boring coffee. Delicious in iced coffee. Reese’s anything. Available at 7-Eleven.
Cons: Tasted worst in hot coffee. I don’t make iced coffee at home. Creaminess borders on filminess. Caffeine Addiction. More than double my usual morning coffee’s calories.