I’m not sure if chewing gum helps strengthen the muscles around my mouth, but if it does, I just gave my mouth a workout with the Always Mandarin Stride Gum.
Stride Gum isn’t shy about letting everyone know that their product is “The Ridiculously Long Lasting Gum.” They are much like my ex-girlfriends who aren’t timid about letting everyone they know that I am “The Disappointingly Short Lasting Lover,” which I’m working on by the way with kegel exercises. Because I like to prove ridiculously lame marketing slogans wrong, and it’s been hard to me to disprove my alleged poor sexual prowess, I set forth and made like a cow chewing cud by chomping on a piece of this orange-flavored Stride gum for as long as I could. I hoped that this piece of gum would last shorter than I do.
Unfortunately, the Always Mandarin Stride Gum lasted significantly longer than I ever will, but it also lasted longer than most men ever will, except Sting and his freaky deeky 48-hour Tantric Sex. I chewed on a piece for about an hour. Its initial flavor was kind of weird and it lasted for about 3-4 minutes.
At first, it tasted kind of like orange oatmeal, but after that subsided, it tasted like a really weak diet orange soda with the artificial sweetener aftertaste. The orange flavor really began to disappear after about 45 minutes of chewing and I spit the gum out 15 minutes later.
Is 45 minutes considered “ridiculously long?” In the porn world, not including oral…yes. In the business meeting world…no. In the gum chewing world…that’s pretty good. In my world…I can only dream. I think it’s even better than Extra gum, but my jaw is too tired to actually find out, which reminds me that my ex-girlfriends also aren’t afraid about letting everyone know that I am also “The Disappointingly Little Lasting Licker.”
Hmm…If chewing Stride Gum for long periods can strengthen my jaw, perhaps it can help me shed that label.
(Nutrition Facts – 1 piece – Less than 5 calories, 0 grams of fat, 0 milligrams of sodium, 1 gram of carbohydrates, 0 grams of sugar, 1 grams of sugar alcohol, 0 grams of protein, and 45 minutes of saliva production.)
Item: Always Mandarin Stride Gum
Price: $1.29
Purchased at: 7-Eleven
Rating: 6 out of 10
Pros: Decent flavor once you get past the weird initial flavor. Closable packaging. Long lasting flavor. Might help strengthen mouth muscles. Kegel exercises.
Cons: Weird initial flavor. Mandarin flavor is not always. It lasts longer than I do. My ex-girlfriends talking about me. 48-hour Tantric Sex marathons. $4 gallons of gas.
really? 45 minutes?
liz – After 45 minutes, it basically lost any orange flavor. Prior to that, I could taste a hint of orange while I chewed.
My favorite gum is Altoids Cinnamon. I’ve never timed to see how long the flavor lasts, though.
Chuck – I bet you’re going to time it right now. I say 30 minutes.
my kids like this.. i wish it kept them quiet for 45 min, but it only does that if i use it to seal those little lips shut.
Bikerbabeee – You need to use a bigger wad.
Haha. You said “wad.” Yeah, I’m feeling mature. I love all of these new non-minty flavors coming out but hate the fact that they always are compelled to make them minty anyway.
You guys should review all of those alcoholic gum flavors from Orbit – they’ve got mojito, sangria and fruitini. I’ve pathetically taking to chewing them when I need a drink, but cannot – like work. Mojito is the best, in my opinion.
I’ll stick with Orbit. Everything they make is delish.
SheRa – I’ve tried the mojito flavor, but didn’t know there were a sangria and fruitini flavor. Must look for those. The mojito flavor is nice, but I don’t think this should be used to cover the mask of alcohol.
Alisha – They also have a good variety of flavors.
Orbit Bubblemint is king. I can’t even chew Stride without thinking they thinned the shit out with carnauba wax or something to make it dissolve into ooey-gooey gunky tasteless uck. Blark!
hey have you tried the new orbit positively pomegranate???its pretty good for an orbit gum which i usually dont like and im a gumaholic so thats saying something. i got it at walmart and it cost $0.96+ tax.