REVIEW: Chicken in a Biskit Ranch Crackers

What are they?

After decades of being the most underrated cracker on the shelf, Chicken in a Biskit has a new flavor.

How are they?

I just wanna double down here – I believe Chicken in a Biskit is arguably the most underrated salty snack in the entire supermarket.

Do people even know about Chicken in a Biskit? The incredible cracker that tastes like it’s seasoned with packets of powdered chicken soup mix?

It’s always one little blue column of boxes amidst a sea of red Cheez-It and yellow Wheat Thins. I walk by it on so many supermarket trips that it’s always like rediscovering them when they actually catch my eye. Needless to say, I was really excited when I saw the new Ranch flavor.

Unfortunately, these are nowhere near as good as the OGs.

I’ll be fair, they’re still pretty solid, but the flavor is a little jarring. It tastes like standard Ranch if heavy with dill, which I’m pretty sure isn’t a standard ingredient. The buttermilk essence is strong, and you can taste the garlic and onion combo to a fault.

The finish has a pronounced, almost sour garlic flavor that will make you want to avoid people for a few hours. My brain kept flip-flopping between sour Ranch and slightly off Tzatziki the whole time.

They’re closer to authentic Ranch dressing in smell and flavor than a Cool Ranch Dorito, but I guess I like inauthentic Ranch. That Hidden Valley can stay hidden for all I care!

Anything else you need to know?

These still retain enough of the “chicken” flavor that it isn’t a total loss. Ranch is probably 8th on my chicken dipping sauces, so if it’s one of your favorites, you might like these a lot more.

I do love the texture of these crackers, though. They’re more of a Ritz crunch than a crispy Cheez-it.

I also have to mention that the odd finish does slowly fade the more you eat, but I still desperately wanted to chase these with gum.


I’m maybe a bit disappointed in these, seeing as they are the first brand expansion of one of my favorite sodium-bomb crackers, but in the end, they’re still worth picking up, if you actually notice them.

As far as misspellings of “Biscuit” go, here are my rankings:

  1. Chicken in a Biskit
  2. Ranch Chicken in a Biskit
  3. Limp Bizkit

Purchased Price: $4.28
Size: 12 oz. (which is apparently a “Family Size” these days)
Purchased at: Walmart
Rating: 6 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (12 Crackers) 160 calories, 8 grams of fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 1 gram of saturated fat, 0 mg of cholesterol, 260 milligrams of sodium, 19 grams of total carbohydrates, 2 grams of total sugars, 0 grams of fiber, and 2 grams of protein.

11 thoughts to “REVIEW: Chicken in a Biskit Ranch Crackers”

  1. Anyone else grow up, and still do, love to pair these with that canned cheese that’s usually stocked near them?

    1. OMG, I came here to say this and you beat me to it!! I have been on the lookout for the Ranch ones just to relive my childhood. Believe me when I say I’ll be buying a can of that cheese to go with it too!

    2. OMG, I came here to say this and you beat me to it!! I have been on the lookout for the Ranch ones just to relive my childhood. Believe me when I say I’ll be buying a can of that cheese to go with it too!

    3. OMG, I came here to say this and you beat me to it!! I have been on the lookout for the Ranch ones just to relive my childhood. Believe me when I say I’ll be buying a can of that cheese to go with it too!

  2. “I just wanna double down here – I believe Chicken in a Biskit is arguably the most underrated salty snack in the entire supermarket.”
    To this, I say: A big, fat, resounding YES!

  3. I like Chicken in a Biskit, I like ranch… never once have I thought I needed them together

    What about Vegetable Thins? I haven’t had those in years, possibly decades, but I used to love them as a kid and that would seemingly go better with ranch

    1. Oh, man, yes…I totally remember Vegetable Thins! Those were great. That same cracker “family” (at least I think they were all made by the same company; I do seem to remember that they were all stocked together, at grocery stores) also had two other *awesome and unique* flavors: Swiss-cheese crackers that looked like little pieces of Swiss (holes, included), and bacon-flavored crackers. Swiss Thins and Bacon Thins, maybe, they were called?

      1. Oh wow. I remember those swiss cheese crackers. I don’t think lasted very long. Not sure about the bacon ones.

  4. Wait! Who is underrating them?!?

    Also, if they were going the chicken dipping sauce route then they definitely should have gone with honey mustard. Just sayin’. 😉 Who knows, maybe that’s next!

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