REVIEW: Girl Scouts Raspberry Rally Cookies

There’s a common misconception that, as the father of a Girl Scout (Brownie, technically), I am privy to cookie discounts. This is patently false. In fact, what ACTUALLY happens is that I end up having to buy more cookies than just about anyone else. Here’s how that transpires.

“Dad, I’m only ten boxes away from the next prize.”

“Which is?”

“At 100 boxes, I get a glow-in-the-dark cup.”

So I sigh, pull out my wallet, and fork over the whatever-amount-needed to ensure that she can obtain what theoretically amounts to a $600 plastic cup.

The good news is that Girl Scout cookies are wonderful. Well, some of them. Peanut Butter Patties (aka Tagalongs), Caramel deLites (aka Samoas), and Thin Mints are all excellent selections, obviously, and there are others that will do in a pinch. It is from the Thin Mint that ABC Bakers draws inspiration for its latest offering: the Raspberry Rally.

Marketed as “the thin, crispy cookie infused with raspberry flavor and dipped in chocolaty coating,” and “a ‘sister’ cookie to Thin Mints, our #1 bestseller,” “the raspberry kind,” as it is sure to nearly always be called, is an online only offering this Girl Scout cookie season.

So is it worth it?

If you like raspberry-flavored things, or the concept of a Thin Mint but inexplicably find mint to be disagreeable, the answer is yes, you’ll probably like this cookie.

The cookie itself is indistinguishable in appearance and construct from its minty sister. The outside of the thin cookie is the slightly waxy (yet delicious) “chocolaty” coating that you will recognize if you’re a connoisseur of Girl Scout cookies.

The inside, however, is where things get crazy. Instead of the near-black wafer of a Thin Mint, you’re blasted with a vivid pink middle. The artificial raspberry flavor is strong upon the first bite and grows stronger still as you consume. It’s almost *too* much, and I say this as an unapologetic fan of most artificial fruit flavoring.

And really, that’s the tale of the Raspberry Rally — it is a Thin Mint, only raspberry flavored. Very strong raspberry flavoring, though. It’s worth a go if you like fruity chocolate cookies or are a Girl Scout cookie completist, but I don’t know that I’ll feel compelled to buy an entire box each season. You know, unless it means my daughter is only one box away from a $300 eraser in the shape of a bee.

Purchased Price: $6.00
Size: 9 oz box
Rating: 6 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (4 cookies) 160 calories, 8 grams of total fat, 5 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 5 milligrams of cholesterol, 90 milligrams of sodium, 21 grams of total carbs, 1 gram of dietary fiber, 10 grams of total sugar, and 2 gram of protein.

8 thoughts to “REVIEW: Girl Scouts Raspberry Rally Cookies”

  1. i’m impressed you were able to find some to try. Impossible to get here unless you were an insider.

  2. To many rules to sell cookies can’t just sell simply. This cookie only on line short time half people we sold door to door to didn’t want them having to only order online. I feel bad for Girl Scouts you have to sell decent amount only get dollar store prizes. Girl Scout make $.85 per box for their Troup.

  3. I always try to bargain when I see them selling at my store, they never take my offer. $6/box in my area. I offer $30 for 6 boxes, I just get dirty looks.

    1. If the Scouts took your offer, their troops would be losing money. It’s honestly kinda mean to do to little girls who are following the rules of their councils… if you don’t wanna pay the price, just move along.

  4. I bought 2 boxes off the Bay before the price got real stupid. I don’t like mint cookies so thought I’d give this one a try. First box tastes ok, guess I was hoping for more raspberry flavor in the chocolate as well as the cookie, maybe the 2nd box will taste better. rating (4/10)

  5. Wanted to try but only online means no go bc there’s also shipping.
    There’s 2 regional bakery factories for GS cookies thus the name differences etc. ABC bakery is the Midwest one and I think the other factory is better.

    Also they are really expensive. Aldi has year round knock offs (of the pb patties, caramel delites, etc) for $2/package.

    Thin mints are superior once frozen.

  6. Bought several boxes of GS cookies, from my youngest niece (who lives across the country; they had to get shipped), this year. Unfortunately, I let my husband review what was available, variety-wise, so never even got to see that this concoction was a new offering; if I had, I would have ordered a few boxes. I’ve always loved fruit-chocolate combos. So disappointed that I’ll now never get to try these!

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