REVIEW: The Artist Marshmello’s Limited Edition Coca-Cola


Coca-Cola has been around for 136 years, which is no easy feat. Those years haven’t always been smooth (New Coke enters the chat), but they have generally adapted to the market’s taste changes. It’s no mystery that younger folks are drinking less traditional soda than previous generations. Taste shifts coupled with the sheer amount of choices available have made soda companies readjust their approach, and the new Coca-Cola Creations division aims to bring younger people back to the brand.

Coca-Cola Creations was launched in early 2022 with its first flavor: Starlight. Not long after, we got a second entry into the Creations Canon with BYTE. The third release is different from the other two in many ways. The Artist Marshmello’s Limited Edition Coca-Cola tells you right on the can what to expect: Watermelon Strawberry Flavored Coke.

Even though the previous flavors were left a mystery, I think they wanted to avoid people misreading the can and thinking it was marshmallow-flavored. The joke’s on them because I did that anyway. While scanning the almost all-white can, my brain absolutely assumed it was marshmallow flavored. I would also imagine this was because I read Marshmello as marshmallow.


A well-known electronic music artist/producer, Marshmello is easily identified by his signature helmet that looks like a Lego head painted white with black “X” eyes and a smile. I am painfully out of the loop with popular music but know a few songs he’s collaborated with. All this to say, he’s popular with younger people, so teaming up with him for a limited edition Coke seems like the right move.

From the skinny white can, came a strong sweet berry smell that was so familiar to me, but I couldn’t place it. Pouring it into a cup, I was shocked to see the color of regular Coca-Cola. Based on the flavor description, I thought the color might be lighter or reddish. My first taste brought a crashing wave of recognition. The flavor was very strawberry/berry up front, with the smallest tang of classic Coke on the back end. The taste is, to me, very reminiscent of Pepsi Blue.


Unlike Pepsi Blue, the sweetness is pulled back with this drink. I think that is because Coke is not as sweet as Pepsi to me. While I absolutely loved Pepsi Blue, I wish this wasn’t quite as similar. The lack of discernible watermelon was disappointing, and the strawberry overpowered any other flavor that might have been present. I’m curious how the Zero Sugar version compares taste-wise and if the watermelon might be more present.

The Artist Marshmello’s Limited Edition Coca-Cola is an interesting offering that I think will do well with its target audience. It has a “drink of the summer” vibe that I don’t feel we’ve seen yet this year. I enjoyed it overall but wished the watermelon flavor was more present. I was looking forward to a new and unique flavor but ended up with the answer to a question I hadn’t asked: What if Coke made Pepsi Blue?

Purchased Price: $2.19
Size: 12 oz can
Purchased at: Wawa
Rating: 8 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (1 can) 140 calories, 0 grams of fat, 0 grams of saturated fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 30 milligrams of sodium, 39 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of fiber, 39 grams of sugar, and 0 grams of protein.

REVIEW: Limited Edition Neapolitan Oreo Cookies (2022)

Limited Edition Neapolitan Oreo Cookies  2022 Package

The original Triple Double Neapolitan Oreo debuted 11 years ago. It was stacked like a Big Mac with a Golden Oreo wafer, strawberry creme, a middle wafer, chocolate creme, and ending with a top wafer.

Of course, that’s the only way Nabisco could do it back then because it didn’t have the Oreo production technology it has now. Back in 2011, who would’ve thought that it would be possible to create flavored wafers or make the creme layers thin enough that three could be stacked on top of each other, avoiding a cookie that looks like the equivalent of a New York pastrami sandwich if it used the original creme’s thickness.

Limited Edition Neapolitan Oreo Cookies  2022 Layers

But here we are in 2022 with a Neapolitan Oreo reboot with two waffle cone-flavored wafers with vanilla, strawberry, AND chocolate cremes stacked sloppily on each other as if they’re celebrating a national championship or something.

So is this 2022 version better than the 2011 one? Yes. Although the original was given a 5 out of 10, so the bar was a bit low to begin with. But this one is automatically better because its execution is much improved. As for its flavor, it’s a slight upgrade from the 2011 offering.

Limited Edition Neapolitan Oreo Cookies  2022 Side

With some bites, the strawberry creme came through more, while it was the chocolate with others. The standard Oreo creme is there, but there’s not much to say because it seems it’s there more for show to complete the Neapolitan ice cream look and to increase the sugar content. This would taste the same if the white creme wasn’t there. The three layers cause the cookie to taste too sweet for my taste buds, and they were satisfied eating one or two of them. Of course, your taste buds may vary.

Limited Edition Neapolitan Oreo Cookies  2022 Wafer

As for the waffle cone-flavored wafers, they have a noticeable cinnamon flavor, which makes them taste graham cracker-flavored. Their crunch is slightly different from a regular Oreo wafer, and it might be enough to trick oneself into thinking it’s waffle cone-like.

Overall, this 2022 version of Neapolitan Oreo is good, but not “OMG, I hope this is around FOREVER!!!” great. However, you should pick it up because with this cookie, with its flavored wafers, different wafer designs, thinner creme layers, and multiple creme layers on top of each other, you can experience a showcase of what Oreo has learned to do since the first Neapolitan Oreo.

Purchased Price: $4.00
Size: 13.2 oz package
Purchased at: Times Supermarket
Rating: 7 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (2 cookies) 180 calories, 9 grams of fat, 3 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 80 milligrams of sodium, 25 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of fiber, 17 grams of sugar (16 grams of added sugar), and less than 1 gram of protein.

REVIEW: Taco Bell Cheesy Double Beef Burrito (2022)

Taco Bell Cheesy Double Beef Burrito  2022 Split Top

Taco Bell’s website describes its Cheesy Double Beef Burrito as having “seasoned rice, seasoned beef, nacho cheese sauce, fiesta strips, three cheese blend, reduced fat sour cream wrapped in a warm tortilla.”

Oh, I’m sorry. I copied and pasted the ingredients for Taco Bell’s Beefy Melt Burrito.

Here’s what the website says the Cheesy Double Beef Burrito has: Double the seasoned beef as compared to a Crunchy Taco, seasoned rice, nacho cheese sauce, fiesta strips, reduced fat sour cream, and a three-cheese blend wrapped in a warm flour tortilla.

Taco Bell Cheesy Double Beef Burrito  2022 Size

Hey, wait a minute. So the Cheesy Double Beef Burrito is a beefier Beefy Melt Burrito, or a Beeeefy Melt Burrito, if you will.

If you’re a regular Taco Bell-er I’m sure you already recognized this. And being so astute when it comes to all things Taco Bell, you probably knew there was a Cheesy Double Beef Burrito before that didn’t have the fiesta strips and sour cream.

Taco Bell Cheesy Double Beef Burrito  2022 Hand

As for how it tastes, well, the first thought that popped into my head after taking a bite was that it tastes like what I imagine is the textbook flavor definition of Taco Bell. And that’s because there’s nothing unique about the combination of ingredients, nor is there something that makes this product special, like Frito-Lay chips or a new sauce.

If you’ve eaten many different Taco Bell products over the years, there’s a 99 percent chance that you’ve eaten something with the combination of seasoned beef, seasoned rice, nacho cheese sauce, three cheese blend, and reduced fat sour cream. And let’s face it, the seasoned rice is more for filler than flavor, and the three cheese blend’s flavor gets lost when paired with nacho cheese sauce. So the ingredients that really get noticed here by my tongue are beef, nacho cheese, and sour cream, and I don’t have enough fingers to count the number of times those three ended up in the same product.

Taco Bell Cheesy Double Beef Burrito  2022 Heft

I will admit I was surprised by this burrito’s heft. I guess having double the seasoned beef as a crunchy taco makes a difference. Also, the fiesta strips still had some crunch even after I drove home and took photos.

Is it good? Yeah, it’s good. Is it inventive? No. Would I order it again? If I could buy it at the $2 advertised price, definitely. Even at the $3.59 price I paid because I live on a rock in the middle of the Pacific Ocean where everything is more expensive, I probably would.

Purchased Price: $3.59
Size: N/A
Rating: 7 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: 620 calories, 30 grams of fat, 12 grams of saturated fat, 0.5 grams of trans fat, 60 milligrams of cholesterol, 1440 milligrams of sodium, 64 grams of carbohydrates, 7 grams of fiber, 4 grams of sugar, and 24 grams of protein.

REVIEW: Dairy Queen Caramel Drumstick with Peanuts Blizzard

Dairy Queen Caramel Drumstick with Peanuts Blizzard Cup

What is it?

Dairy Queen’s Caramel Drumstick with Peanuts Blizzard is proof that whoever decides the new Blizzard flavors used a bunch of vacation time recently because this “new” treat isn’t really that new. It’s similar to the Nestle Drumstick Blizzard we reviewed a couple years ago with Drumstick pieces and peanuts, except this version adds caramel (and drops the Nestle name). DQ is also offering a Drumstick Blizzard without caramel.

How is it?

I gave the original Drumstick Blizzard a 9-rating, and the addition of caramel to this version is an improvement, so the laws of math dictate that I must give this a perfect 10!

Dairy Queen Caramel Drumstick with Peanuts Blizzard Top

I’d also like to congratulate the DQ person who greenlit this flavor for getting maximum results with minimal effort, which is something I strive for every day. This might not be how it actually happened, but I can’t help thinking the Chief Executive of Blizzards was on a beach in Tahiti when his or her phone rang. It was DQ headquarters asking what the next new flavor was going to be. Now this person didn’t get into their position without being a quick thinker, so they pretended like all kinds of extensive research and focus group interviews went into this new flavor, even though all they did was add caramel to that Drumstick Blizzard from two years ago. OK, maybe that’s not how it went, but the results are wonderful just the same.

Dairy Queen Caramel Drumstick with Peanuts Blizzard Choco Chunks

The best parts of this Blizzard are the Drumstick pieces, which are waffle cone squares covered in chocolate. The cone pieces remained delightfully crunchy inside their little chocolate blankets and the peanuts, which were pulverized into tiny morsels, added a bit of a different texture and a subtle but welcome saltiness. Then the caramel jumps in and hits you with a rich, creamy sweetness that makes this one of my all-time favorite Blizzards.

Anything else you need to know?

This flavor appears to just be a late addition to the DQ Summer Blizzard Menu rather than officially being named the July Blizzard of the Month (even though it was launched on July 1). So this flavor will probably hang around until at least the end of August.


Dairy Queen Caramel Drumstick with Peanuts Blizzard Spoon

Even with Blizzards that I really enjoy, I can usually come up with at least a minor gripe or a suggestion to make it just a little bit better. In this case, I really can’t, and I’ll be sad to see this one go, whenever that might be.

Purchased Price: $4.49
Size: Small
Rating: 10 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (Small) 690 calories, 33 grams of fat, 22 grams of saturated fat, 0.5 grams of trans fat, 45 milligrams of cholesterol, 250 milligrams of sodium, 82 grams of carbohydrates, 2 grams of dietary fiber, 66 grams of sugar, and 16 grams of protein.

REVIEW: Dunkin’ Brown Sugar Cream Cold Brew

Dunkin Brown Sugar Cream Cold Brew Cup

I recently drove past a billboard promoting Dunkin’s new Brown Sugar Cream Cold Brew, and I gotta say, it left me a little baffled.

Besides a nice doctored-up photo of the new brew, there were four words – “Iced Cold Liquid Hustle.”

I couldn’t help but wonder, “What the heck does ‘iced cold liquid hustle’ mean? Is that the new hip reboot of ‘America runs on Dunkin?’ Did I miss that memo? Why am I talking to myself?”

I drove a few miles down the highway, still thinking about those four words when I saw a Dunkin’. Well, let’s just say the ad worked because I hung a hard right into the lot, parked, and even decided to enter the building like some kind of hypnotized time traveler, unaware drive-thrus exist. I was about to find out what “iced cold liquid hustle” was all about.

So, was my Brown Sugar Cream Cold Brew iced? Yes. Yes, it was. Cold? Well, yeah, that’s implied. Liquid? Thankfully, it was liquid. But was it hustle? Um, ya know what? I hustled to get it, so yeah, I guess it was also “hustle.”

Dunkin’ left one word off, though – delicious.

Seriously, this is one of my favorite Dunkin’ additions in a long time – maybe a little too dessert-like to be an everyday coffee, but a satisfying treat.

My first sip transported me back to childhood because the flavor immediately reminded me of the original Coffee Coolatta. I honestly don’t even know if they’re still around because I haven’t had one in 20 years, but that sense memory immediately flashed back into my head.

It had an almost coffee ice cream flavor with slight notes of caramel and cinnamon. If there was a perfect center on a scale of black coffee to dulce de leche, this would be it.

Dunkin Brown Sugar Cream Cold Brew Foam

I get the chain’s sweet cream from time to time, and this was the thickest and smoothest application to date. Usually, the foam melts into the watery cold brew within a few sips, but here it held a nice sturdy head until I finally shook it into the coffee. I think it might be Dunkin’s best tasting cream, which is saying a lot because I truly enjoyed the Pumpkin flavor from last fall.

Dunkin Brown Sugar Cream Cold Brew Oatmilk

I should note I use oat milk as my dairy, so that could have made this a bit thicker and creamier, but it paired so well. I won’t pretend the overall flavor is extremely different from adding a pump or two of caramel to your iced coffee, but it’s definitely an improvement on that. If this flavor remains permanent, it’ll probably become my one shot go-to.

I’d love it if Dunkin’ made a donut with this same flavor profile. A nice brown sugar, cinnamon, and caramel cake concoction would instantly vault to the top of my donut list.

Dunkin Brown Sugar Cream Cold Brew Bottom

I guess advertising works. I mean, I’m a caffiend™, so I was almost definitely trying this at some point, but Dunkin’ got me that day, and I’m glad.

Next time you’re in the mood for some iced cold liquid, hustle into Dunkin’ and give this one a try. It’ll be there all summer.

Purchased Price: $3.25 (G.O.A.T. Milk is 25 cents extra)
Size: Medium
Rating: 9 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: 180 calories, 3 grams of fat, 0 gram of trans fat, 2 grams of saturated fat, 10 milligrams of cholesterol, 50 milligrams of sodium, 36 grams of total carbohydrates, 35 grams of total sugars, 0 grams of fiber, and 1 gram of protein.