(Note: Please read this letter with a Southern accent.)
To My Dearest Jacqueline D. Box,
It has been a long time since I had an opportunity to write to you as I have been occupied by the hassles of our country’s Civil War. I feel impelled to write a correspondence to you because I sense that death may soon be upon me and the thousands of men who fight alongside me. Your rain of letters bring sunshine to my days of fighting those from the North. I again apologize that I am not able to reciprocate an equal amount of correspondence. It is quite good to hear about every minuscule moment in your life and because I keep your extensive book-length letters near my heart, you have prevented the enemy’s ammunition from striking my body.
Oh, how my war-battered heart yearns for your warm embrace, tender kisses, ample bosom and your Jacqueline D. Box Flavored Iced Teas. The battlefield on a Southern summer day is like what I imagine the pits of fire and brimstone in hell feel like and when my throat is dry from all the yelling as we charge the Union soldiers, which I don’t really understand because it lets the enemy know where we are, all I desire is you and either your refreshing mango, raspberry or peach iced teas made with fresh-brewed tea.
Although, to be honest, since I may never gaze upon your round, joyful face again, I don’t really care for your mango flavored iced tea because it tastes like a sweet vegetable and not at all like the exotic tropical fruit of mango whose flavor makes my taste buds tingle with delight.
However your raspberry and peach flavored iced teas make my heart skip a beat and refreshes me like a plunge into the cooling waters of Old Harper’s Lake on a blistering summer’s day. I don’t know how you are able to create such delightful refreshments. I could drink them both relentlessly until I burst at the seams. Both beverages have just the right amount of flavor, without being too sweet, giving them a satisfying balance of fruit and tea flavor. Just writing about it in this correspondence makes me desire it even more. Not even this cup of water from great Mississippi River can quench my thirst like your flavored iced teas can.
But alas, my love, I fear for the worst and may never sample your flavored iced tea ever again.
Jacqueline, if I do not return, do not think we shall not meet again. For if you feel warmth when you are cold or a cool breeze on a July afternoon, it shall be my spirit watching over you, protecting you and scaring away any possible suitors.
Your dearest,
(Nutrition Facts – 24 ounces – Mango – 83 calories, 0 grams of fat, 14 milligrams of sodium, 115 milligrams of potassium, 21 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of fiber, 19 grams of sugar and 0 grams of protein. Raspberry – 78 calories, 0 grams of fat, 12 milligrams of sodium, 119 milligrams of potassium, 20 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of fiber, 18 grams of sugar and 0 grams of protein. Peach – 82 calories, 0 grams of fat, 14 milligrams of sodium, 115 milligrams of potassium, 21 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of fiber, 19 grams of sugar and 0 grams of protein.)
Item: Jack in the Box Flavored Iced Teas
Price: $1.99 each
Size: 24 ounces
Purchased at: Jack in the Box
Rating: 5 out of 10 (mango)
Rating: 8 out of 10 (peach)
Rating: 8 out of 10 (raspberry)
Pros: Peach and raspberry flavors were extremely refreshing. Made with fresh-brewed tea. Healthier alternative than most drinks available at Jack in the Box. Perfect balance of fruit and tea. Came in bigger cups than I thought.
Cons: The mango flavor disappointed because tastes like a sweet vegetable. Doesn’t come in a variety of colors like their promotional pictures. The syrup the use might settle to the bottom, so remember to stir before drinking. Not sure if the tea provides any health benefits.
Ooo I’ma get me one of these when I get to Caleefornya! And they have less sugar than a cup of fruit yogurt=D
But also re: the tumblr promo-pineapple (that so awesome they just sent you a pineapple with a photo on it) I don’t know if I’ve ever tried a JIB teriyaki burger (though I’ve tried most of their stuff and it’s awesome at 2am) but I have tried the Red Robin teriyaki burger and it’s pretty much a guilty delicious chain burger mouth heaven. I don’t know if you have Red Robin though.
I wish these weren’t just syrups added to tea but that does lead me to beleive that you could request they add the syrup to any beverage you desire 😉 Anyone know if they’ll do that?
Hmm, I’ve never ordered anything from Jack in the Box… At least I now know what to get if I somehow find myself dying of thirst and conveniently within reach of a Jack in the Box!
The peach and the Raspberry look good to me. We don’t have any Jack in the Boxes up here. I agree with Bear though it’d be better if the tea was infused with the fruit flavors instead of just syrups.
These sound pretty good and not too unhealthy…plus we have been having a heat wave here. I’ll stick with Diet Dr. Pepper for the most part though.
Mmmmm Peach Tea….. Sadly while we don’t have Jack in the Box around here where I live, we do have various flavored sweet tea, and I do love a good peach…. sighs…
Love ice tea. Peach ice tea for me next time @ JIB.
Oh, fiddle dee dee… I must go and try the mango version to see if it does taste like a sweetened vegetable.
hmmm looks quite refreshing…. yes… very refreshing
Despite the fact that I was born and raised in Georgia, I didn’t drink sweet tea (my granny is quite ashamed) or any tea really. Given the option of tea vs. anything else, the other thing wins. My sorority did have an afternoon tea in which I felt awkward enough to grab a tea bag and dunk it in a cup of hot water. I didn’t notice until I grudgingly took my first sip that it was peach flavored. Now, I don’t know why, but the peach flavor made tea not suck as much. Since then I’ve had iced peach tea at two separate weddings and did not gag.
I’m still grossed out by all other tea though and never willingly order it though.
I love your reviews, haha. They’re always entertaining.
I might actually try one of these the next time I have the chance!
wow they are so copying Arby’s…how sad
@orb205: Actually, it’s a Carl’s Jr. Teriyaki Burger and you should try one when you get to Caleefornya.
@Bear Silber: I’m sure they might do it for a little extra scratch.
@Tasty Health Food: With the user name Tasty Health Food, I expected you probably didn’t.
@Erin Brooks: If it didn’t contain syrups, I think it wouldn’t be fast food.
@Chuck: You sure you won’t try it. If you can find a swimming pool, you can do a Nestea plunge with it.
@The Crisper: Peach tea is yummy.
@theskinnyplate: Go for it and tell them Marvo sent you. 😉
@Lane O: I’d hate to see you waste your money. $1.99 can get you 2/3 of a gallon of gas.
@Woodenhand: They were quite refreshing in my warm apartment.
@Natalie: At first I didn’t really care for green tea, but I once drank a really good green tea and it seemed to make most other teas taste better. My tastebuds are weird like that.
@Erin: Thank you, we try our best. And you should try one of these teas…Try one TODAY!!! 🙂
@Teresa: All the fast food places tend to copy each other so it’s not surprising.
yeah, I guess, but Arby’s FruiTeas are wayyyyy better!! You should review them!
Sucks that they shit the bed on the Mango flavour. And if they already had peach seems like a no brainer to mangofiy it.
After trying the mango flavored tea I did notice a slight celery-ness to it.
@Teresa: That means I have to go to an Arby’s. When I go to Arby’s I always end up with a lot more Horsey Sauce than I would like.
@grinder: I think a lot of the mango stuff from JITB isn’t very good, like their smoothie.
Lane O: Thank you for proving that my taste buds are not going insance.
@Marvo – …but does your desk drawer look like this?
@Bear Silber: No. Unfortunately it is not. But hopefully someday it will be like that and I can bathe in Horsey Sauce.
Haha…love the creative writing Marvo. Really painted a picture for me. The closest JITB to me is a few hundred miles away I think…North Carolina maybe? So if I’m in the area I will definitely try them. The closer-by Arby’s has some fruit flavored iced teas that are pretty good…the Diet Blackberry is quite tasty.
@Bear and Marvo … you should see my desk drawer now…I’ve gone crazy. Lot’s of Taco Bell hot sauce packets added and salad dressing…it will get a lot bigger before it gets smaller too…(shhh…I think I might use only one a week from the stash) But if I ever get stranded at work for weeks…I consider it my survival kit. 🙂
@Ryan – Haha, you’re nutz. Let’s see a current pic!
@Ryan: But if you’re stranded at work for weeks, so will your co-workers. Will you share or will you stab people with pencils to keep away from your stash.
I didn’t like these tea at all… Maybe because I’m sort of a tea snob, but these taste like regular ol’ generic tea that you can get from packets in the supermarket. If I want generic tea, I’d go to Micky D’s and get their large tea for $1.
in my opinion McDonalds tea should be criminalized. (more important note: the spell check in this comment box thing said the correct spelling is criminanalized, which is very wrong.) anyway… had a Raspberry Tea from a JITB right outside Charlotte NC. Was an excellent compliment to my 3 mini sirloin burgers. excellent story as well. good day.
I would like to know where i can buy the peach syrup you use in your peach tea
I’m sorry. We have no affiliation with Jack in the Box.