Borrowing things from overseas to sell on our shores is a tricky business. As with any translation, we run the risk of not getting it quite right. Like turning the infinitely-watchable E4 series Skins into a show that no one (save for The Parents Television Council who wants to kill it with fire) cares to watch… or transforming the delicioso Mexican corn-cake-style gordita into the well-known and often-devoured Taco Bell Gordita that is basically a taco made with pita bread. How they made the leap to the Middle East by way of Mexico, I have no idea. I guess, to them, foreign food is foreign food. We’re lucky they didn’t try to stuff haggis in there.
The process of repackaging these things for consumption in the United States is clearly an attempt to make them more palatable for Americans, however unrecognizable they become. But it doesn’t explain why Kellogg’s would revise the Belgian waffle for their Eggo brand by making them toaster-sized instead of plate-sized and octagonal instead of round (or square) and calling them “Thick & Fluffy ” waffles. Did they think consumers wouldn’t understand these waffles if they used the word “Belgian”? They’ve been around for 50 years. I think we get it. Semantics aside, what it really comes down to is whether the waffles have deep pockets and taste good. For the most part, they do.
Eggo Thick & Fluffy waffles come in two flavor varieties: Cinnamon Brown Sugar and Original Recipe. The name “Original Recipe” conjures up visions of crispy, golden fried chicken offered by string-tied Southern gentlemen with dubious military origins, yet as a Roscoe’s devotee, I can attest to the fact that fried chicken does pair well with waffles. Maybe this title wasn’t unintentional.
The Original Recipe waffle was exceptional. It has a certain extra something (probably sodium) that makes the waffle taste extra malty. I scoured the ingredients list and didn’t see anything about malt, though, so I could just be imagining it. Maybe my previous experiences with other Belgian fluffy and thick waffles created an expectation for malt flavor.

On the flip side, I was all ready to love the Cinnamon Brown Sugar waffle, being the brown sugar & cinnamon addict that I am, but it was just OK. The flavor just doesn’t “pop.” It’s not super sweet, but it’s also not very cinnamon-y. Blah Sugar. Cinna-Zzzzz. The experience is underwhelming. Way to not be an enabler, Kellogg’s. I’m one step closer to recovery.
Despite the fact that it’s a toaster waffle, I was expecting preparation to be a breeze. Logistically, it is pretty easy. Place in toaster… Toast… The End. But the toasting instructions specify that you may need to use two toasting cycles in order to evenly heat the waffle. That’s far too long for a toaster-based convenience breakfast. I hate double-toasting. It ruins the feeling of relief you experience once the toaster pops up because as soon as it does, you just have to push it back down again and start all over. It’s totally defeating. Bad way to start the day.

Another negative is that even though these are Thicker & Fluffier, they don’t make you feel any fuller — just the opposite. The extra carbs and sugar you ingest in the thicker waffle make you crash faster… and if you double-up on the serving size (eating two waffles instead of one), it just makes things worse.
That’s another thing. The serving size is just one waffle, but the box shows two. WHY MUST YOU TOY WITH MY EMOTIONS, EGGO??? Sorry, that’s the cinnamon brown sugar withdrawal talking.
I appreciate Eggo’s take on Belgian waffles, though the Original Recipe flavor makes a tastier breakfast than the Cinnamon Brown Sugar one. They should try making crépes next… though they’ll probably call them “Eggo Thin & Flat Pancakes.” How gauche.
(Nutrition Facts – 1 waffle/55 grams – Original Recipe – 160 calories, 70 calories from fat, 7 grams of fat, 2 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 3.5 grams of polyunsaturated fat, 1.5 grams of monounsaturated fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 300 milligrams of sodium, 50 milligrams of potassium, 20 grams of carbohydrates, >1 gram of fiber, 3 grams of sugar, and 4 grams of protein. Cinnamon Brown Sugar – 170 calories, 60 calories from fat, 7 grams of fat, 2 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 3 grams of polyunsaturated fat, 1.5 grams of monounsaturated fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 270 milligrams of sodium, 50 milligrams of potassium, 24 grams of carbohydrates, >1 gram of fiber, 9 grams of sugar and 3 grams of protein.)
Item: Kellogg’s Eggo Thick & Fluffy Waffles (Original & Cinnamon Brown Sugar)
Price: $2.00 (on sale)
Size: 11.6 oz
Purchased at: Vons
Rating: 10 out of 10 (Original Recipe)
Rating: 6 out of 10 (Cinnamon Brown Sugar)
Pros: Corn cakes. Southern gentlemen. Invisible malt. Octagons.
Cons: Witch hunts. Haggis. Understanding waffles. Boring me with cinnamon. The long toast. Small serving size.
I would worry that the “light and fluffy” Eggo would soak up the syrup in great quantities. Soggy Eggos turn my stomach.
Um… where is the review part of this “review”?
The original flavor gets a 10/10, but the only positive quality mentioned is that the waffle tastes “malty.” What the f does that even mean? What else can you tell me about the flavor, the texture, anything? How does it taste with syrup? Is the waffle easy to cut? What makes it better than a regular eggo?
The longest non-introductory paragraph is dedicated to whining about toasting time… seriously, pushing the button down twice is really that hard?
“What else can you tell me about the flavor, the texture, anything?”
The Original Recipe one tastes like a buttery, crispy, delicious waffle … Given, it’s a waffle that’s been baked, frozen then later reheated via electric coils. But it’s darn tasty with syrup, and the fact that it’s fluffier than a regular Eggo makes it a more enjoyable experience, in my opinion.
These types of waffles should be easy to cut for anyone over seven years, which, judging by a number of clues, you may not be… Boobooface.
“Seriously, pushing the button down twice is really that hard?”
I’ll have to ask my butler and get back to you.
Yeah, it’s hard to push down a toaster button. Dude, I have a 1980s toaster that was made in Russia. The toaster button on that thing is so fucking hard to push down. In Russia, you don’t push toaster button, toaster button push you.
Also, you don’t know what “malty” is? If you know what malt is, you know what malty is? You need to watch more shows on the Food Network, or stop being fucking lazy and just Google shit.
Boobooface, it’s a funny review of a toaster waffle not a proposal on a cure for cancer. get over it. if you care that much spend three bucks on a box and find out for yourself.
Woah, a 10/10! Not to ruffle any feathers, but that seems a bit generous. After reading, I was personally expecting… maybe an 8? And considering a 10’s infrequency around here, a perfect score usually spells out “Run! Run to the store and buy this NOW!”
Are these waffles really THAT delicious?
Believe me, I had low expectations, but I was very pleased with the Original Recipe waffle. I stand by my 10 rating, dudes.
Now they just need to get a big amurican sized box at costco.
Oh and the reason they can’t call it Belgian is because of focus groups with the functioning retards in the bible belt. they don’t respond well to FURRRIN THANGS
I was disappointed – L’eggo my EGGO – cause I am a fan!! J’adore l’original!! It seems the original eggo recipe isn’t as good doubled – but it’s always the case, you have to change the batter if you’re going to make larger waffles, pancakes, or anything. Imagine eating a 1/4 pound white castle burger – yeah – kind of a gross idea. Same effect here. Believe me, I bought them lured in by “Thick and Fluffy” promises – and it delivered – they are thick and fluffy. The EGGO taste, however doesn’t translate well. I can understand why they didn’t use the word Belgian, they aren’t Belgian waffles at all!
I tried the Original flavor today and wow these are great! The texture, flavor, delish! I will get these from now on.
I totally agree with this review! They came out great, and my belgian waffle cravings are gone for the day! (I might need to have them again tomorrow) Great price, and great taste. My kitchen actually smells like breakfast right now. :)!
I haven’t tried the cinnamon and brown sugar waffle, but the original recipe waffle is amazing! I completely agree: there is some kind of malty flavor going on, and it enhances the flavor to epic proportions! I was very pleased with this waffle and went back for a second. Instead of syrup, however, I put butter, whipped cream, and honey over them. Simply amazing!
and they smell like vanilla when you toast them
I just had the brown sugar& cinnamon this morning. It’s tasty, but I needed to toast it 3 times before it got the nice crispness I like. Even after, it got soggy pretty fast. And it is sucky that 1 serving is only 1 waffle. I wants to eat 2 waffles as well! 🙁
But these are much better than the Belgian waffles from Costco. The Costco ones are disgustingly dry unless drowned in syrup or eaten with lots of liquid.
Is it just me or did they shrink the size of the waffles? My thick and fluffy waffles I’ve been buying are not as think and fluffy
Delicious years later. I put syrup and a ton of whipped cream on them. Sounds gross but I’m not 300 pounds like it sounds
YUMMM! Had cinnamon Brown sugar this morning. Absoutely delicious. I will repurchase these again and again. They are exactly like a good homemade one. Thank you Kelloggs!!!
Why the change in the “original” light & fluffy. The vanilla flavoring totally changes the taste. Prefer the “original” receipe the way it was. Leave things alone!
The cinnamon Brown sugar ones are great! Just a little I can’t believe it’s not butter on them and I’m good to go.
The normal eggos are ok. I’m sorry to report that these are dreadful . My sincere recommendation is to buy a belgian maker – make a bunch of your own— all at once and freeze them….There is no comparison.