My wife recently told me she admired my self-control around open bags of chips. I asked what she meant, and she explained that if a chip bag is open, I’ll eat a certain amount until I’m not hungry anymore, then stop and let the chip bag sit there unmolested rather than continue to eat. I’d never really thought about it that way, but in general, I think she’s right. I can eat some potato chips and then keep the bag in front of me without touching it. I can usually do that with tortilla chips. I can even pull it off with cheese curls.
But Doritos are another story. Open a bag of Doritos and you expose my all-too-human weakness. I’ll keep eating those things until I force myself to close the bag and stash it away, or until it’s empty. If it’s open and sitting out, self-control is not an option.
So knowing that about myself, what was I to think about Doritos introducing the “JACKED” sub-line (I feel strongly it should be all caps) that boasts of Bigger, Bolder, Thicker chips? Should I be enthused, or worried? Was I like a smoker getting excited because his Camels would now contain triple the nicotine? And why “JACKED,” anyway? Were they going to contain Monterey or Cheddar Jack cheese (no), or was this just a doomed marketing attempt to seem appropriately “street” (almost certainly)?
Then I thought about it for .43 seconds and realized two of those adjectives are completely irrelevant. Who cares if each individual chip is 40% bigger and thicker if the size of the bag remains the same? If anything it’s a ploy to get you to eat the same number of Doritos you always did, but since there are fewer per bag, you’ll need to buy another bag sooner. They could just as easily make the Doritos small and wafer thin and brag about how each bag contains thousands, yes thousands of chips!
But it’s the second adjective that piqued my interest, because fortune favors the bold and so do I. The two inaugural flavors kicking off the JACKED line are Smoky Chipotle BBQ and Enchilada Supreme, and neither of those tastes screams “Let my subtle notes gently waft across your palate.” Appropriately for a product that debuted at the SXSW Festival, these are chips for extreme people with extreme taste buds; and while I may not be one of them, I’m always up for a challenge.

As you can see (the penny is for scale, I haven’t taken to eating copper… yet), the Smoky Chipotle BBQ chips are definitely larger than their standard Doritos brethren, and while it may not be clear from the picture, noticeably darker as well. I was unable to find one completely intact; I’m not sure if that’s a consequence of them being bigger and crunchier, or just having two toddlers who like to help unpack groceries. The smell is surprisingly subdued, not at all the intense aroma that typically warns you to proceed carefully with spicy food.
My expectation was that, despite the best efforts of the marketing department, the Chipotle BBQ Doritos wouldn’t be absurdly hot, so as not to deter most of the target audience. Frankly, I was afraid they’d go too far and end up with wuss chips; and luckily, that fear proved groundless. They pack a greater crunch than the regular variety due to their increased thickness, and you can clearly taste the classic Doritos artificial cheese on them. But with it definitely comes an explosion of spice that won’t send you sprinting for a gallon of milk, but will probably make you think twice about eating any without a cold drink handy. Darned if there isn’t a bit of a smoky flavor to them too, complementing the heat. It’s worth noting that the spice distribution is slightly uneven, some chips being noticeably hotter than others, but I’m not sure there’s any way that could’ve been avoided.

Likewise, the Enchilada Supreme Doritos carry a less potent aroma than I would’ve expected. They mostly smell like regular Doritos, with just a hint of Mexican spices if you really focus. The taste, however, packs just as much of a wallop as the Chipotle variety, if not more. Immediately your tongue is hit with a tangy salsa taste, and it IS tangy. I would say the flavor is more intense than the Chipotle variety but doesn’t linger as long — like a process server, it gets in, hits you with a lawsuit or paternity papers, and gets out immediately. It also has a cheesier taste than regular Doritos, which is much appreciated, along with some tomato flavor. And not that these have anything in common with “real” Mexican cuisine, but as someone who makes his tacos with shells, beef, cheese, and that’s it, I was slightly nervous about this flavor but found myself really digging it. You can also more easily eat them without a beverage handy than the Chipotle variety, since the spice doesn’t linger nearly as long.
I’m often skeptical of attempts to improve an established product I like, and doubly so if they appear to be pursuing the Poochie demographic. That said, I’m surprised to be able to happily recommend both of these new flavors. The increased size and thickness is largely window dressing, but they both have chops as far as spiciness, albeit in different ways. I’m a little more partial to the Smoky Chipotle BBQ flavor myself, but regular visitors to the Bell or a real Mexican restaurant may swing more in favor of the Enchilada Supreme. Either way though, you’ve got something good on your hands. Just remember to stretch properly before getting that X-treme; cramped taste buds are NOT cool, man.
(Nutrition Facts – 1 oz (about 6 chips) – Smoky Chipotle BBQ – 130 calories, 60 calories from fat, 7 grams of total fat, 1 gram of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 160 milligrams of sodium, 17 grams of total carbohydrates, 1 gram of dietary fiber, less than 1 gram of sugars, and 2 grams of protein. Enchilada Supreme – 140 calories, 60 calories from fat, 7 grams of total fat, 1 gram of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 170 milligrams of sodium, 17 grams of total carbohydrates, 1 gram of dietary fiber, 0 grams of sugars, and 2 grams of protein.)
Other Doritos JACKED reviews:
FatGuy Food Blog
Junk Food Guy (Smoky Chipotle BBQ)
Junk Food Guy (Enchilada Supreme)
Item: Doritos JACKED (Smoky Chipotle BBQ and Enchilada Supreme)
Price: $4.29 each
Size: 10.5 oz
Purchased at: Giant
Rating: 8 out of 10 (Smoky Chipotle BBQ)
Rating: 7 out of 10 (Supreme Enchilada)
Pros: Doesn’t wimp out on the spice. Bolder. Enchilada Supreme definitely tastes like both cheese and tomato. Begrudgingly, I’ll admit they are more “extreme” than regular Doritos. You can really see the spicy crystals or whatever on the Chipotle BBQ kind. Catch you on the flip side, dudemeisters!
Cons: Irrelevant size increases. Not exactly cheap. “JACKED” is not a word typically associated with good things (carjacked, jacked up on steroids, etc). The description on the bag contains phrases like “mind-blowing” and “Can you handle it?” without an air of tongue-in-cheek self-awareness. Might lead to you accidentally eating your iPod Nano.
I know what you mean. Yesterday morning I opened a bag of bagel chips and had no problem only eating a few, but last night my wife went to the store across the street and came back with a big bag of Doritos Cool Ranch. I had to ask her to keep them on her side of the couch. When those are open in front of me I keep eating, whether I want them or not.
I’m very particular about Doritos. LOVE Cool Ranch, and don’t think I’ve gone crazy about a Doritos variation since Doritos 3D Jalapeno Cheddar. I did spot the Enchilada Supreme at Publix and grabbed a bag recently. At first taste, I was a bit ‘Meh…’ but eventually the heat kicked in a bit and I thought they were pretty darn good. After a few chips, I was sold and would definitely buy another bag. Looking forward to give the Smoky Chipotle BBQ a try now!
I’ve been working my way through a bag of the BBQ flavor for, um… two or three weeks now. I think. The few that are left are just a little bit stale, but remain tasty. They are excellent chips, don’t get me wrong. I just have easily-fatigued taste buds. This means these particular Doritos are excellent for portion control. (There is no way a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos would last me nearly this long…)
Tried it…they don’t seen thicker at all (but the last time I ate Doritos, it was Baked Cooler Ranch, so I don’t have recent experience), but they are way bigger than normal. Enchilada tastes like Fritos Chilli Cheese…you know: “WIN!” They need to be thicker, though. They need to be double the thickness of the current Jacked thickness.
I just found out they also made a Hot Wings w/Ranch flavor of Jacked Doritos! Does anyone know where I can get them? I’m assuming they are an exclusive.
I bought a bag of the Ranch Dipped Hot Wings Doritos at Wal Mart.
Oh man, I’ll have to try these since I love anything extreme. The next time I jump out of an airplane on a whim, I’ll be drinking my usual bottle of Mountain Dew AND devouring a bag of Jacked Doritos on the way down!
Ok … I totally tried (and devoured) the Smoky Chipotle BBQ and they were delish! To the point where I’m curled up in bed with chip shrapnel all over me while watching The Family Guy. Completely addictive … so make sure you portion control yourself or you’ll wish you did! Definitely recommend 😉
The bag is *not* the same size. It is one ounce smaller than the regular Doritos bag, at the same price. Insert conspiracy theory here.
I am the opposite, most chips I will eat the whole bag, but with Jacked I just eat a few. I think its because they are so yummy and satisfying my craving has finally been sated. And I prefer the Smoky Chipotle BBQ to the Enchilada Supreme. Mmmm jacked, ahhhhh (picture Homer Simpson here).
Ah, Doritos! A 12-step group for Doritos addicts would surely have many members. There is also a rather unpleasant side effect which comes with the addiction. It’s called “Doritos breath”. For that reason, it’s an addiction which is capable of causing broken relationships. Therefore, many Doritos addicts indulge in their addiction privately and shamefully. Recovery is possible only when the addict admits to being powerless over Doritos, and throws out all the Doritos bags that they have stashed all over their house, hidden from their loved ones.
I swear what they did with the Enchilada Supreme is that they mixed Nacho Cheese flavor and Taco flavor (yup, they actually brought Taco flavor back in the same retro package!) and added a bit of heat. At least that’s what my taste buds are telling me. As for the Buffalo/Ranch variety of Jacked chips, unfortunately they don’t exist according to Frito-Lay. 🙁
Just bought the Ranch Dipped Hot Wings Doritos. Not very good I am sorry to say. 🙁
Doritos have been a snacking staple in my younger days. I loved how they stood out, a nacho. Most every chip brand you see makes the plain old potato chips. But when I found out that Doritos contemplated a new sub-line, I was anxious to get in on it. What didn’t look very promising on the bag was a different story on the inside. I chowed down on a forgiving, scrumptious nacho chip that tickled my taste buds, and warmed my tummy. It was a pleasure eating these, they satisfy with a heat that packs a punch. Enchilada flavor has an especially tangy, cheesy kick! I highly recommend this duo of power – nachos.
The favors were fine but I found the chips left incredible stains on anything they touched. If its worth mentioning I tried the enchilada flavor. I just blindly grabbed one off the rack. I would avoid these in the future as after a small bag I have to change my shirt and wash my hands with soap. Lots of flavor but my hands are now orange. Thumbs down on this one.
Hah. Two orange thumbs down.
i cant find the enchilada bbq doritos in the stores
I looked for it every store recently and can’t find them anymore ! Did they stop make them ? I don’t see it at Kroger or Publix and ingles store !
According to Frito-Lay these were not discontinued nationwide, only in certain areas. From Frito-Lay: “it’s a bummer not every flavor makes the favorites list. And although most of our snacks have a passionate fan following, not all of them stick around forever. But, we can tell our team how much you miss them!”
According to our local delivery agent: As of Jan. 31, 2014 all flavors of Jacked have been removed from stores.