REVIEW: Dairy Queen Royal Reese’s Fluffernutter Blizzard

Sometimes I really dislike being an adult. I’m not talking about paying taxes, having a job, or things like that. I just don’t like how it changes what is appropriate when it comes to food. If I were a toddler, it would be no big deal if I took off my shirt and ate mac and cheese with my hands, and people would say how cute I was when I got sauce in my hair. If I try that as an adult at Applebee’s, I’ll probably be asked to leave. If I were in kindergarten, a fluffernutter sandwich would be a perfectly acceptable lunch. But if I suggest we have peanut butter and marshmallow creme sandwiches at a work meeting, then some co-workers might suggest I’m a bit immature (but I know others would secretly think it’s an awesome idea). Thankfully, Dairy Queen has the new Royal Reese’s Fluffernutter Blizzard that both mature and immature adults can purchase without being judged.

If you are not familiar with the “Royal” line of Blizzards, they have the bonus of a hidden core, which, in this case, is filled with marshmallow topping. I thought about bringing a small handsaw so I could conduct a Blizzard autopsy and show you exactly how it looks inside, but I figured that would be frowned upon and maybe a little dangerous. Besides, the DQ website features a cross-section view if you are interested. Surrounding the marshmallow core of this Blizzard are Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, peanut butter topping, and, of course, vanilla soft serve. The core might be hard to see in the photos, and as the Blizzard around it melts, it all blends together, but trust me that it’s there.

I’m not sure if this is the case everywhere, but at my local DQ, the Royal Blizzards will set you back an extra $1. After having this one, I can tell you that’s a buck well spent. The standard PB Cup Blizzard is already one of my favorites, but it becomes truly glorious with the marshmallow flavor running down the center. The marshmallow topping by itself is quite sweet — almost too sweet — but it is balanced out perfectly by the decidedly less sweet peanut butter flavor. The smooth, creamy texture of the marshmallow topping also pairs wonderfully with the chunkiness and thickness of the pulverized peanut butter cups in the soft serve. I tried to think how I would improve this Blizzard, and I’ve got nothing to suggest. I think it’s my new all-time favorite.

My only disappointment is that I ordered a small, which really limits the real estate available for the marshmallow core. So my suggestion is to live like a king or a queen and at least order the medium for this one. Nah, just get a large.

Purchased Price: $5.99
Size: Small
Rating: 10 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: 750 calories, 31 grams of fat, 13 grams of saturated fat, 0.5 grams of trans fat, 50 milligrams of cholesterol, 390 milligrams of sodium, 104 grams of carbohydrates, 2 grams of fiber, 87 grams of sugar, and 17 grams of protein.

6 thoughts to “REVIEW: Dairy Queen Royal Reese’s Fluffernutter Blizzard”

  1. If you ever want to bisect a Blizzard, I’d recommend throwing it in the freezer for a bit and then just using a sharp knife on a cutting board. That’s what we did at employee meetings when I was at DQ years ago. Works really well and shows you exactly where any blending deficiencies are.

  2. Oh the rarefied air of a 10! I can’t wait to try this and I think I’ll add strawberry topping to mine to give it a PB&J vibe. Heck I might get really crazy and add a banana too! 😀

  3. I loved the whole “adulting” bit in the article and it even tempted me to try a Blizzard again for the first time since the 80s! I love peanut butter but when I looked up the macros on the medium and large sizes it truly frightened me. I guess the only redeeming quality is the high protein!

  4. I didn’t need to know this because now I HAVE to go try one. I am an adult (several times over!), and yes, I still eat Fluffernutters every once in awhile.

  5. It is scientifically impossible to finish a large Blizzard before it completely melts into a puddle of BlizzJuice. I can’t bring myself to go larger than Medium, personally 🙂

  6. Unpopular opinion perhaps, but I didn’t enjoy at all. The marshmallow was way too sweet & the way this is made you either get a bite of pb cup Blizzard, (that part is delicious, of course), OR a bite of straight marshmallow…yuck. Feel it would be better just mixed together like a normal Blizzard.

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