REVIEW: Eggo Thick & Fluffy Tiramisu and Strawberry Cheesecake Waffles

Eggo Thick  Fluffy Tiramisu and Strawberry Cheesecake Waffles Boxes

Here’s the thing about me and waffles: I don’t know when to eat them. I love them, right? Pancakes, French toast, and cinnamon rolls, too. But the thing is, I’m a salty and savory breakfast guy, though and through. Give me a big ol’ sloppy plate piled with biscuits smothered in thick, creamy gravy, a mountain of buttery scrambled eggs, and one pig’s worth of sausage and bacon, please.

So then, what do I do? When do I eat sweet breakfast foodstuffs? To be frank, it all feels so dessert-y to me. (I mean, one of the aforementioned foods has cake right in the name.) But here’s the deal with that — how often do you feel like eating a big syrupy stack of flapjacks or a fluffy golden waffle after pounding a plate of fried chicken and mashed potatoes?

It’s tricky.

But Eggo seems to be embracing the “breakfast for dessert” ideation with the introduction of its new Thick & Fluffy family members, Tiramisu and Strawberry Cheesecake. Will these vanguard vittles make me feel less conflicted about my B4D dilemma?

Well, they would if they were good, which they’re not, so they won’t.

Where do they go wrong, you’re asking? Let’s take a deeper dive.

Eggo Thick  Fluffy Tiramisu and Strawberry Cheesecake Waffles Frozen

First of all, these things don’t cook properly. At least, not in a toaster — aka, the place where you generally cook Eggo waffles. Much like the problematic Pillsbury Toaster Strudel, the Thick & Fluffy waffle cooks unevenly, leaving pockets of cold tundra surrounded by peninsulas of heat. The directions suggest toasting it on the lowest setting (!) And that “two cookings may be required.” I’m sorry… no? The point of a frozen waffle — or strudel, or Pop Tart — is that I can be ready to rock with that thing with very little foreplay. (I mean, in theory, anyway.) Same goes for the second suggested cooking method, a conventional oven. What is this, Kellogg’s, the slow food movement?

But anyway, all of this cooking nonsense would be forgivable if the waffles came out enjoyable. And they just don’t.

Eggo Thick  Fluffy Strawberry Cheesecake Waffles Warmed

I tried each kind plain, straight from the toaster, and then covered in butter and syrup. The Strawberry Cheesecake had a decent artificial strawberry flavoring (owing to the inclusion of dried strawberries, no doubt), but there was nothing there that even began to suggest “cheesecake.” Despite its flaws — the batter was bland, it could’ve used considerably more strawberries, and I was promised cheesecake, dammit — it did hold up better to butter and syrup than the tiramisu.

Eggo Thick  Fluffy Tiramisu Waffles Warmed

The tiramisu was definitely better, though, don’t get me wrong. The box promised “cocoa and roasted coffee” flavoring, and it had that. The coffee flavor was subtle and accompanied by the tiniest hint of chocolate. Straight from the toaster, they were okay. But something peculiar happened when adorned with butter and syrup, though. They turned into totally plain tasting Eggo waffles. The mild coffee tones were made obsolete.

As a fan of eating breakfast for dessert, I was excited about these waffles conceptually. As someone who doesn’t like to eat bad things, though, I ended up disappointed.

Purchased Price: $3.99
Size: 11.6 oz boxes/6 waffles
Purchased at: Hy-Vee
Rating: 5 out of 10 (Tiramisu), 4 out of 10 (Strawberry Cheesecake)
Nutrition Facts: (1 waffle) Tiramisu – 160 calories, 6 grams of fat, 1.5 grams of saturated fat, 260 milligrams of sodium, 24 grams of carbohydrates, 7 grams of sugar (including 7 grams added sugars), and 3 grams of protein. Strawberry Cheesecake – 160 calories, 6 grams of fat, 1.5 grams of saturated fat, 240 milligrams of sodium, 25 grams of carbohydrates, 9 grams of sugar (including 9 grams added sugars), and 3 grams of protein.

REVIEW: Kellogg’s Eggo Frosted Maple Flavor Pop-Tarts

Eggo Frosted Maple Pop Tarts Box

Oreo seems to get all the hype, but I’m not sure any snack brand has had more flavor variations over the years than Pop-Tarts.

Sure, I could probably look that up and get you exact figures, but I’m too lazy. After all, I DID eat a Pop-Tart for breakfast today.

To be fair, Pop-Tarts may be a “lazy” breakfast, but they are the KINGS of lazy on-the-go breakfasts, and that’s exactly why I’ve always appreciated them.

Don’t feel like putting forth even the slightest bit of cooking effort? Grab an ol’ reliable Pop-Tart. You’ll still feel like you actually ate breakfast, especially now that they’ve teamed up with another breakfast staple, Eggo.

A handheld pastry that tastes like Eggo waffles? Sounds like a hall of fame “lazy” breakfast to me.

Eggo Frosted Maple Pop Tarts Frosting

Well, it sounded like one at least…

I wouldn’t necessarily say these BURST with flavor. They do a decent job toeing the line between the two familiar experiences each brand brings to the table, but I’m a little baffled.

I wanted to be waffled.

Eggo Frosted Maple Pop Tarts Split

You get some maple syrup, but it’s cut with that very distinct Pop-Tart crust taste and texture. Imagine pouring Pop-Tart crust batter into a waffle iron. It tastes wayyyyy more like Pop-Tart than waffle, to the point “Eggo” just feels there in name only. “Eggo” must only be repping the maple flavor because these only kinda taste like Hint o’ Waffles.

There’s a dab of “butteriness” in there too, which I liked. I thought maybe the yellow icing was butter flavored, but upon isolating it, it just had a generic sugary flavor. I guess that butter also came from the crust, and maybe that’s ultimately where the “waffle” plays in.

Pop-Tart pastry is just the dominant flavor, even more so than the maple filling and icing, which makes these kinda bland overall. They smell like maple, though, which is always a welcome aroma.

Eggo Frosted Maple Pop Tarts Toasted

I’m not a huge toasted Pop-Tart guy, I usually just go pouch to mouth, but this seemed as good a flavor as any to eat warm. The toaster didn’t really improve the experience, but hey, at least I managed to burn my palm on the scolding hot icing!

So yeah, whether you lazily eat your Pop-Tarts right out of the pouch or toast them, these just come away tasting like mildly sweet Maple Pop-Tarts. They’re not terrible. They’re mid-tier, and I like them better than the Maple Bacon flavor from a few years ago. That being said, they’re still disappointing since they almost accomplished what they set out to do.

I bought 16 of these things, so they’ll stick around for a bit, but I don’t necessarily mind knowing I’ll have ’em there for some future lazy mornings. I may even get adventurous and use them as bread in an egg and sausage sandwich at some point… if I have the energy. Meh, maybe I won’t. Who knows? I’m going to take a nap.

Purchased Price: $4.14
Size: 16-pack box
Purchased at: Walmart
Rating: 5 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (2 pastries) 380 calories, 12 grams of fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 3.5 grams of saturated fat, 0 mg of cholesterol, 330 milligrams of sodium, 67 grams of total carbohydrates, 30 grams of total sugars, 0 grams of fiber, and 4 grams of protein.

REVIEW: Kellogg’s Narwhal Raspberry Waffles

Kellogg s Narwhal Raspberry Waffles Box

What are Kellogg’s Narwhal Raspberry Waffles?

This time last year, Kellogg’s released a collection of frozen waffles that included flavors like Mermaid (Blue Raspberry), Unicorn (Cotton Candy), and Birthday Cake. This year, raspberry-flavored Narwhal waffles have joined them.

What in tarnation is a narwhal you ask? Unlike mermaids, unicorns, and the mythical “birthday cake,” narwhals are real. They’re medium-sized whales with a single, long horn (tusk) on the front of their heads. I hear they taste like raspberries, hence the waffle flavor.

Kellogg s Narwhal Raspberry Waffles Closeup

How is it?

These blue-green raspberry waffles looked an awful lot like the blue raspberry Mermaid waffles from last year. Suspiciously alike. But did I even care? I loved the Mermaid (and the Unicorn) waffles. So even if they were simply a retread, I’d be happy.

Kellogg s Narwhal Raspberry Waffles Berries

And they were a retread – woo hoo! The same fruity-eggy aroma, really fun teal hue, and sugary raspberry flavor. They were thick waffles that toasted nicely, and something about the octagonal shape was so satisfying. I couldn’t hate on these, even if the narwhal was just a mermaid in a new costume.

Anything else you need to know?

The back of the box asked me to “check out all our other fun waffles,” but only showed Unicorn and Birthday Cake flavors, so I’m thinking Narwhal is a replacement for Mermaid. Mermaids are SO 2020.

Kellogg s Narwhal Raspberry Waffles Back


I loved these! You will too if you’re a fan of: cute things, sparkly things, pink/blue/purple things, things that taste like someone lightly rubbed a Jolly Rancher on them, things that taste like last year’s things lightly rubbed with Jolly Ranchers, 8-sided things, things to put in the toaster and forget are there, things that make other people ask why they exist, or things that are unapologetically happy.

Purchased Price: $2.96
Size: 11.oz box (6 waffles)
Purchased at: Walmart
Rating: 9 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (1 waffle) 130 calories, 2.5 grams of fat, 0.5 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 260 milligrams of sodium, 26 grams of carbohydrates, less than 1 gram of fiber, 7 grams of total sugars, including 7 grams of added sugars, and 3 grams of protein.

REVIEW: Kellogg’s Eggo Chocolate Waffle Cereal

Kellogg s Eggo Chocolate Waffle Cereal Box

It’s been a hot minute since I’ve had a waffle-flavored cereal.

Ok, it’s actually been a couple lukewarm-at-best decades.

If you don’t count French Toast Crunch, which had a similar flavor profile, I’m positive I haven’t had a waffle cereal since the very first iteration of Waffle Crisp way back in 1996, aka “the Before Times.”

While I’ve wanted to give Eggo Cereals (and that insane Post Chicken & Waffles abomination) a try, I never got around to it. When I heard Kellogg was releasing a chocolate version, I had to put an end to my 24-year waffle cereal drought.

Kellogg s Eggo Chocolate Waffle Cereal Back

I approached Chocolate Eggo Waffle Cereal with the hopes it would maybe blend the promised chocolate with something like a maple syrup accent. I like most chocolate cereals enough, but they usually leave me feeling like I just had another bowl of Cocoa Puffs. I think a good chocolate cereal needs a co-star.

So, does this have a co-star in the form of maple?

No. No, it really doesn’t. This is pretty much just another Cocoa Puffs clone.

Which isn’t to say it’s bad. I’m not quite cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs, but it’s still a classic breakfast cereal. I’m just bummed to say these really don’t break the waffled mold.

They exist in a taste range between Count Chocula’s cereal pieces and Cocoa Puffs. It’s not a super wide range, but there’s just slightly enough to separate each chocolate cereal from the other.

Kellogg s Eggo Chocolate Waffle Cereal Milked

The fun little waffle-shaped pieces are lightly dusted with a sugary coating that I kept trying to convince myself was maple, because it should be. I just don’t think it is.

I want to tell you they taste like genuine waffles, but when was the last time you even had a chocolate waffle? Chocolate chips, maybe, but straight chocolate? Even if these attempted to “taste” like a waffle, the chocolate was always gonna overpower that.

I will say the texture was perfect, but that’s probably because of it being fresh on shelves. Despite having a similar shape to Honeycomb, they aren’t quite as soft, but they also aren’t as pebbly as Cocoa Puffs can be. They maintained a nice outer ring of crunch as the center developed a manageable sog.

There’s a sweet chocolate milk afterburn as you’d expect, and they smell like brownie batter, so there are still plenty of positives. They also make a nice dry snack.

I’m still just mildly baffled about the choice to not include a maple-like flavor.

Kellogg s Eggo Chocolate Waffle Cereal Box Bowl

How many more straight chocolate cereals do we really need? There are already the tried-and-true classics, and we basically get a new one every couple of months. At least these aren’t as dreadful as the Hershey Kisses cereal I picked up a few months back. I thought those were pure trash.

I say pick these up if they’re on sale. Otherwise, I think they’re safe to “Leggo.” They’re good, but nothing revolutionary.

Purchased Price: $3.88
Size: 8.8 oz.
Purchased at: Shop Rite
Rating: 6 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (1 1/4 Cup) 170 calories, 3 grams of fat, 0 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 160 milligrams of sodium, 35 grams of total carbohydrates, 2 grams of dietary fiber, 15 grams of sugar, and 1 gram of protein.

REVIEW: Kellogg’s Eggo Waffle Cereal (2019)

Kellogg s Eggo Cereal  2019

2021 Update: We also tried the Chocolate variety! Click here to read our review.

Kellogg’s Eggo Waffle Cereal has returned from the Kellogg’s vault where Smorz and the old recipe for Rice Krispies Treats Cereal wait for their sweet release someday.

It made its debut back in 2006 and it was brought back thanks to something else that was born in 2006 — Twitter.

It took 10,000 retweets to free Kellogg’s Eggo Waffle Cereal. But to be honest, even if 10k didn’t happen, we still would’ve gotten it on shelves because there’s also a new blueberry flavor. Because why would Kellogg’s go through the trouble of making a Blueberry Eggo Waffle Cereal, if the company wasn’t planning on bringing back the original version. It’s a conspiracy, I tell you!

Now let me take off my tin foil hat to tell you if these are worth your time.

Speaking of time, I’m going to go back 13 years to copy a paragraph I wrote about the original Eggo cereal and paste it in this review. My lazy butt will be right back.

“Eggo Cereal was supposed to taste like waffles with maple syrup and it sort of did. However, it tasted more like a less-sweet Cap’n Crunch with a strong fake maple syrup scent. Since I’m a fan of Cap’n Crunch, I liked the taste of it.”

Kellogg s Eggo Maple Flavored Homestyle Waffle Cereal

All those words still are correct with this version. At this point in my life, I’ve had hundreds of Eggo waffles hit my taste buds, so their flavor will forever be cemented on my tongue. Because of that, I confident in saying this cereal doesn’t taste like anything like Eggo Homestyle waffles.

Blueberry is one of the O.G. Eggo waffle flavors, so it’s nice it has its own cereal, and it took 0 retweets to make it a reality. Much like the maple one, this flavor doesn’t remind me of Eggo Blueberry waffles, which I’ve had far fewer times than Homestyle ones, but still know it when I taste it.

Kellogg s Eggo Blueberry Waffle Cereal

But the blueberry flavor tastes similar to what’s on the waffles (and other blueberry-flavored products), so it kind of tricks me into thinking that I might be eating a miniaturized version of blueberry waffles.

Unlike the uniformity of frozen waffles, the cereal varies in shape. Some look like melted smiley faces, while others look like broken honeycombs. And all the blueberry ones appear to have been around a bank robber when the dye pack went off among the stolen money.

In milk, both varieties do well at maintaining their crunch. But the dairy doesn’t enhance or diminish their flavors.

Overall, if you’ve gone overboard with your holiday shopping and can only afford one Eggo cereal variety, go with the blueberry.

DISCLOSURE: I received free samples of the product. Doing so did not influence my review in any way. Thanks Kellogg’s for sending these my way.

Purchased Price: FREE
Size: 8.8 oz. boxes
Purchased at: Received from Kellogg’s
Rating: 6 out of 10 (Homestyle), 7 out of 10 (Blueberry)
Nutrition Facts: (1 1/4 cup without milk) Homestyle – 160 calories, 2 grams of fat, 0.5 grams of saturated fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 170 milligrams of sodium, 34 grams of carbohydrates, 3 grams of fiber, 15 grams of sugar, and 3 grams of protein. Blueberry – 160 calories, 2 grams of fat, 0.5 grams of saturated fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 170 milligrams of sodium, 34 grams of carbohydrates, 3 grams of fiber, 15 grams of sugar, and 3 grams of protein.